The Art of Travel eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 457 pages of information about The Art of Travel.

The Art of Travel eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 457 pages of information about The Art of Travel.

Poisoned Arrows.—­Arrows are most readily poisoned by steeping a thread in the juice, and wrapping it round the barbs.  Serpents’ venom may always be used with effect.

Bird-lime can be made from the middle bark of most parasitic plants, that is to say, those that grow like mistletoe, out of the boughs of other trees.  Holly and young elder shoots also afford it.  The bark is boiled for seven or eight hours, till quite soft, and is then drained of its water and laid in heaps, in pits dug in the ground, where it is covered with stones and left for two or three weeks to ferment; but less time is required, if the weather be hot.  It is watered from time to time, if necessary.  In this way, it passes into a mucilaginous state; and is then pounded into a paste, washed in running water, and kneaded till it is free from dirt and chips.  Lastly, it is left for four or five days in earthen vessels, to ferment and purify itself, when it becomes fit for use.  It ought to be greenish, sour, gluey, stringy, and sticky.  It becomes brittle when dry, and may be powdered; but, on being wetted, it becomes sticky again. (Ure’s Dictionary.)

Vast flocks of birds frequent the scattered watering-places of dry countries at nightfall and at daybreak:  by liming the sedges and bushes that grow about them, numbers of birds could be caught.

Crows may be killed by twisting up a piece of paper like an extinguisher, dropping a piece of meat in it, and smearing its sides with bird-lime.  When the bird pokes his head in, his eyes are gummed up and blinded; and he towers upwards in the air, whence he soon falls down exhausted, and, it may be, dead with fright. (Lloyd.) Fish-hooks, baited with meat, are good to catch these sorts of birds.

Catching with the Hand.—­Ducks.—­We hear of Hindoos who, taking advantage of the many gourds floating on their waters, put one of them on their heads, and wade in among wild ducks; they pull them down, one after another, by their legs, under water; wring their necks, and tie them to their girdle.  But in Australia, a swimmer binds grass and rushes, or weeds, round his head; and takes a long fishing-rod, with a slip noose working over the pliant twig that forms the last joint of the rod.  When he comes near, he gently raises the end, and, putting the noose over the head of the bird, draws it under water to him.  He thus catches one after another, and tucks the caught ones in his belt.  A windy day is generally chosen, because the water is ruffled. (Eyre.)

Condors and Vultures are caught by spreading a raw ox-hide, under which a man creeps, with a piece of string in his hand, while one or two other men are posted in ambush close by, to give assistance at the proper moment.  When the bird flies down upon the bait, his legs are seized by the man underneath the skin, and are tied within it, as in a bag.  All his flapping is then useless; he cannot do mischief with his claws, and he is easily overpowered.

Project Gutenberg
The Art of Travel from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.