The Art of Travel eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 457 pages of information about The Art of Travel.

The Art of Travel eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 457 pages of information about The Art of Travel.

Gold-digger’s Oven.—­The figure represents a section of the oven.  A hole or deep notch is dug into the side of a bank, and two flat stones are slid horizontally, like shelves, into grooves made in the sides of the hole, as shown in the figure; where it will be observed that the uppermost stone does not quite reach to the face of the bank, and that the lower-most stone does not quite reach to the back of the hole.  A fire of red-hot embers is placed on the floor of the hole; and the bread about to be baked is laid upon the lowermost stone.  Lastly, another flat stone is used to close the mouth of the oven:  it is set with its edge on the floor of the hole:  it leans forward with the middle of its face resting against the front edge of the lowermost stone, a narrow interval being left between its top and the edge of the uppermost stone.  This interval serves as a vent to the hot air from the embers, which takes the course shown in the figure.  The oven should be thoroughly heated before the bread is put in.

Baking between two stones.—­For baking slices of meat or thin cakes, it is sufficient to lay one large stone above another with a few pebbles between, to prevent them from touching.  Next make a large fire about the stones until they are thoroughly hot; then sweep away the embers, and insert the slices.

Ant hills as Ovens.—­Where there are no stones of which ovens may be built, and where there are old white-ant hills, the natives commonly dig holes in the sides of the ant hills and use them for that purpose.

Clay Ovens.—­I have heard of a very neat construction, built with clay, in which grass had been kneaded.  A fire was lit inside, to dry the work as it progressed; while the builder placed rings of clay, in tiers, one above the other, until a complete dome was made without mould or framework.  Time was allowed for each ring to dry sufficiently, before the next one was added.

Baking beneath a camp fire.—­A small piece of meat, enough for four or five people, can be baked by simply scraping a tolerably deep hole under the bivouac fire; putting in the meat rolled in the skin to which it is attached, and covering it with earth and fire.  It is a slow process of cooking, for it requires many hours; but the meat, when done, is soft and juicy, and the skin gelatinous and excellent.

“Meat, previously wrapped up in paper or cloth, may be baked in a clay case, in any sort of pit or oven, well covered over, and with good economy.” (’Handbook of Field Service.’)

Baking in Pots.—­A capital oven is improvised by means of two earthen or metal cooking-pots, of which one is placed on the fire, and in it the article to be baked; the other pot is put upon its top, as a cover, and in it a shovelful of red-hot embers.

Bush Cookery.—­Tough Meat.—­Hammer it well between two stones before putting it on the fire, and again when it is half cooked, to separate the fibres.  I have often seen people save themselves much painful mastication, by hammering at each separate piece of meat, before putting it in their mouths.

Project Gutenberg
The Art of Travel from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.