Women and War Work eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 167 pages of information about Women and War Work.

Women and War Work eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 167 pages of information about Women and War Work.

The committee started its work with a very small staff, Mr. Schooling being one of the original half-dozen in it, and the schemes and methods of work were evolved.  It works in its organization by setting up committees.  The County is the biggest unit and the Hon. Secretary of the County works at setting up Local Committees, which are established in towns with under 20,000 of a population, and we put a group of parishes together in rural districts under one Local Committee.  All towns, cities and boroughs over 20,000 population are set up by Headquarters and have Local Central Committees.  There are now in England and Wales over 1,580 of these committees.  Scotland is worked by a separate committee.  Linked up to these committees and represented on them, the War Savings Associations work, and there are now altogether over 40,000 of these with a weekly subscribing membership of over 7,000,000 people.

[Illustration:  6 REASONS
          Why YOU Should Save

1.  Because when you save you help our soldiers and sailors.

2.  Because when you spend on things you do not need you help the Germans.

3.  Because when you spend you make other people work for you, and the work of every one is wanted now to help our fighting men to win the war, or to produce necessaries and to make goods for export.

4.  Because by confining your spending to necessaries you relieve the strain on our ships and docks and railways and make transport cheaper and quicker.

5.  Because when you spend you make things dearer for everyone, especially for those who are poorer than yourself.

6.  Because every shilling saved helps twice, first when you don’t spend it and again when you lend it to the Matron.


The committees also did the propaganda work for the January-February Loan of 1917, when five billion dollars was raised (L1,000,000,000) and over eight million people (out of our population of forty-five millions) subscribed to the loan.

The work of the committees was admirable at that time and assisted materially in the success of the loan.

The National War Savings Committee was also asked by Lord Devonport in April to assist the Ministry of Food by doing, through its committees, a great food-saving propaganda.  This request was made, because, it was explained, the War Savings Committees are the best organized and most thoroughly democratic Government organization in the country.  This propaganda was also done with marked success.  In autumn of this year the committees have done an extensive campaign of education, and of work to strengthen and enlarge their associations, and also to push the sale of the new War Bonds.

The Treasury’s policy now is to raise all the money needed by the wisest borrowing from the people—­day by day borrowing.

The entire work of the committees and associations is done voluntarily—­nothing is paid in the whole country for the work, and the only charge is Headquarters Staff and propaganda expenses.  The County Secretaries are in most cases Board of Education Inspectors whom the Board has generously allowed to help.

Project Gutenberg
Women and War Work from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.