By many of our forerunners many points have received partial disclosures, or there have been prepared several links for the chain, with which we will strangle the Harlot and the Giant who sins with the Harlot, without hurting the flock and the fields, according to Dante’s prophecy. This prophecy mentions also the stars by which our advent is announced, and in my books several apparitions of unexpected stars are remembered in close connection with our office. In Dante’s prophecy is the messenger of God a collective name as well as the third Angel or messenger in the 9th verse of the 14th chapter of the Revelation. One man is representing the whole society by whom is accomplished what is comprehended in the prophecy. The representative had to execute and explain the mystery. At the expiration of the year 1836, which year has been so mysteriously announced by the prophets, that I knew nothing about it, I was called on the 5th day of January, 1837, at 5 o’clock p.m. to this office. The call was delivered to me by an Angel of the Lord, that I should make the resolution to prepare for my voyage to America. And when I said: “O Lord! Thy will be done!” the same moment a great light appeared over the City of Klagenfurt, where I was Professor of Biblical Literature and you were Spiritual Adviser in the Theological Seminary. You yourself have perhaps seen the light-ball, or certainly heard much and read in newspapers about it. I myself have not seen it, because I was in a deep trance and received at the same moment the order by a Heavenly messenger.