The Epistle is entitled:
“Most important events for rulers of nations.”
To P. T. Anthony Slomshek,
Prince Bishop of Laibach. Long Island,
State of New-York, June
13th 1859.
Reverend Bishop! Being in occupations of my office on this anniversary of momentous events on this Island, I am impressed by the spirit who has brought me to America, to write again after a long interruption, to my native country, and to direct my Epistle to you, to communicate copies of it also to the bishops of Triest and Goricia. I asseverate before you, three witnesses, that I am not guilty of the blood which is shed in the present terrible war; although I would be most guilty, if I had not faithfully fulfilled the duties of my charge. If those to whom I have written at Vienna, in our native country, and also in other countries of Europe, had discharged as conscientiously the duties of their office, as I did those of my office, the promised universal peace would have been established not only in the whole of Europe, but also in other parts of the globe. But whereas there was deficiency in respect to the intellectual and moral preparations of those who were in the office, the terrible consequences therof are more and more visible. To bishops I write usually in Latin. But this epistle should be delivered by you to the government of Austria, and published to the nations not only in German, but also in as many other languages as possible.
Prince Bishop Anthony Slomshek! Having had more opportunity than others who are at present bishops under the Austrian government, to obtain knowledge about me during my residence in Europe and by wise providence having become a bishop of the diocese, in which I was born, educated and ordained a priest, I expect that you will receive light from the spirit, to comprehend correctly the hints which may be concentrated into the space of an ordinary epistle. You know that I had from my youth an extraordinary desire to search not only the Jewish and Christian but also the antiquities of other nations, and to compare the results of my investigations with what others have brought to light in former times and recently, to find out, how the promised universal peace will be