that rapping spirits would be dreadful destroying spirits
also in this country, if their operations will not
be stopped by the application of the means which are
comprehended in our message of Peace. But I did
not try those spirits in circles of spiritualists,
till I received order from my leaders to do so.
Opportunity was given in Pittsburgh, Pa. by the reports
published in some English and German newspapers regarding
the mediumship of Christina Beil, (as the name of
that medium of German parents is correctly written,
but English reporters wrote it Beail, although it
is the German Beil, that means a hatchet or axe)[T].
Her mediumship aroused a general attention, and while
crowds of attendants were convinced that raps by which
questions were answered, were produced by spirits,
sceptics denied it, and Mrs. Swisshelm published in
her “Saturday Visitor” the results of her
investigations of spirit rappers at Christina Beil’s
mediumship. She thought, that raps must have
been produced by some trick of one or the other mortal,
although she was not able to discover the trick.
The same confession was made in German newspapers
by a German Lutheran Pastor. The excitement moved
a skilful German chemist who was also a strong materialist,
to investigate the matter in the expectation that he
might find out the trick. But he was sincere
and confessed, that raps purporting to come from spirits,
were produced by beings who understood the questions.
But under the circumstances of his investigations they
could not be produced by mortal men, and must have
been produced by invisible agents.
A few days before my reading of those reports, a rapping
spirit had been shown to me in an extraordinary manner,
to relate which in this epitome there is no room.
But by that manifestation I was instructed, that I
should try the rapping spirits of Christiana Beil in
the presence of sufficient witnesses. The same
German learned chemist, and a German Pastor of the
Reformed Church and other witnesses were present, when
I tried the spirits of Christina Beil. Also that
pastor belonged to that school of theologians who
send their departed into such an eternity, from whence
there is no return to mortal men. Such folly is
according to our knowledge of the condition of the
departed most pitiful materialism in disguise.
But at our meeting with that medium in the house of
her mother, soon a number of rappers commenced to
show by raps in a number of places of the room, that
they were ready to give answers to our questions.
The medium commenced to ask, and instantly all others
became silent, and the strongest amongst them gave
answers with raps. To the question with whom
he wished to converse, the pastor was shown by strong
raps as the person with whom the spirit wished to converse,
and he signified by raps also that he was ready to
give his name by pointing out the letters of his name
with raps. The pastor repeated the alphabet,
and was quite astonished, that the letters spelled