On the 5th of January, 1837, at 5 o’clock P.M. I received from a Heavenly messenger the order to prepare for starting to America. But at that time I did not know more than that in this country preparations were to be made for establishing the promised peaceable reign of Christ on earth. But my extraordinary mission commenced to be made manifest after the events which happened A.D. 1838 in connexion with my mission and which are explained in my above mentioned three German volumes. Instead of having studied those volumes and then reported accordingly, there came such ambassadors of darkness as we have here a specimen of John H. Noyse. Greater impudence could not be expected than to write about me without having studied my books in which I have published what should have been translated from the German also In other languages. In the third volume it is shown, where Swedenborg, Wm. Miller and others stand, who wrote before me on the second Coming of Christ. But before I undertook to write about their standing, I read their books; then I have shown, how parties and sects, each in their own way have given testimony to our mission. The principal of those parties have been mentioned in my third volume, which was published A.D. 1840. But John H. Noyse and his sect were not at that time so famous as to having been brought to my notice. At length a “noise” of his existence came to me in the following manner: