Secret Enemies of True Republicanism eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 271 pages of information about Secret Enemies of True Republicanism.

Secret Enemies of True Republicanism eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 271 pages of information about Secret Enemies of True Republicanism.
p. 95.  Then he continues his tale as follows:) “of all these we may say fearlessly, as Paul says, ‘though they be Angels from Heaven, let them be accursed’ they have denied the word of God—­together with these, another class of visionaries and impostors, less presumptuous, but equally foolish, may be noticed.  We refer to those who either by pretended revelation, or by interpretation, have undertaken, from time to time within the last few centuries, to prophesy of the near approach of the second advent.  The latest and most notable specimen of this class, is William Miller, who at this time, is confidently proclaiming, 1843 is the appointed year of the second coming.”

I would not have noticed “Noyes’s treaties,” if it had not been unexpectedly handed to me, when I came, while I thought I was going into the house of a man with whom I was acquainted, to his brother whom I did not know until yesterday, when I came against my expectation to him.  He commenced to tell that he had a pamphlet in which Mr. Noyes speaks about me.  Then he has shown the above quoted passage in Noyes’s pamphlet.  But I did not yet think to take notice of it, till at length he has brought this morning the pamphlet to his brother-in-law, with whom I stopped last night, and I found proper to quote the passage and to write this edition for the conclusion of this treatise.  But the quoted passage is in such connexions and correspondences, that in a new large treatise I could not explain them.  Here we can report only the following items.

In the year 1840, on Easter Saturday, my third German volume of “memorable events” issued from the press.  Those three volumes exhibit the “magnetic chain” of events to bind the dragon or serpant, the image of the spirit of delusion and destruction, who inspires such “extraordinary ambassadors”, as John H. Noyse is.  That he belongs to those deceivers who have deluded those who belong to the Anti-slavery and Republican Parties, and are opposed to our message of Peace, is evident by the circumstance, that I commenced this treatise with the three angels or ambassadors or messengers of the 14th chapter of the Revel., the 3d amongst whom commences his message in the 9th verse of that chapter.  I mentioned that each of those angels or messengers represents a body or society of messengers, and that Dr. Bengel has pointed out in the first part of the last century, that Christ will be made manifest about the year 1836; but that neither Dr. Bengel nor any other man did know the manner in which he was to be made manifest, till it was disclosed by the 3d Angel Revel. xiv:  9, or the representative of angels or ambassadors or messengers by whom the contents of the prophecy xiv. 9, 10, 11, must be fulfilled.  Interpreters did not understand many other things nor those verses till they may read their explanation in my above quoted three German volumes.  I do not recollect, how I did entitle that my address; but it did not contain

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Secret Enemies of True Republicanism from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.