Secret Enemies of True Republicanism eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 271 pages of information about Secret Enemies of True Republicanism.

Secret Enemies of True Republicanism eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 271 pages of information about Secret Enemies of True Republicanism.
seen several years ago the fruits of our work.  But when they in their degradation and corruption, instead of having received our message of Peace, did all in their power to stop it, as I have shown, instead of hundreds of instances of our experience only by the remarkable specimen of the Utica Philanthropic Convention, they are to be regarded as the principal cause of such awful warnings, as a specimen was given on Sunday Sexagesima, February 27th 1859, on the President’s Square of Washington by the executive power of our leader who has Revel. xiv:14 a sickle in his hand, and will make use of “sickles” to sweep away the scoundrels and corruptors of females.  Their abominations will come to day-light in this “Judgment Dispensation,” when the criminals will least expect.  The farther you proceed in reading and understanding this book, the more light you will receive in regard to the inner life of man and to the world of spirits, to know the secret enemies of true Republicanism, and how to stop the degradation and corruption, by which Republic is destroyed and monarchy or tyranny is established.

We have selected in the first treatise such facts as should inspire every reader and especially Democrats for co-operation with us, and the facts made public in this treatise, should move especially the parties of Abolitionists and Republicans.  We will see, whether President Buchanan’s friends or the heads of his opposition will hear sooner the voice of our master made manifest by our mediumship for Harmony and Peace of all nations, and awaken not only the Government of the United States but also other governments from their lethargy.

Human degradation and corruption having been sheltered under the cloak of virtue, and under the specious name of “Free Love” careless males and female having been ruined in body and soul, peculiar opportunity was given us to close this treatise with a brief report on “a treatise on the second coming of Christ.  By John H. Noyes, Putney, Vt. 1840,” because that treatise was handed to me on this 19th day of March, while I am travelling through Cumberland County, Pa. and by what happened at the reception of that treatise I was aware, that a brief report would suit best for closing this our treatise.  On the 29th page of that treatise we read; “Now Swedenborg preached that the second coming of Christ took place in 1757, and that he was himself an eye witness of the transaction.  Ann Lee, the mother of the Shakers, preached that the second coming took place in 1770, and that Christ made his appearance in her person.  Many similar proclamations have been made from time to time, along the whole period of Christian history, and especially since the Reformation.  The latest of this fashion that has come to our notice, is Professor Andreas Bernardus Smolnikar, who teaches that Christ appeared in 1836, and appointed him ‘Ambassador Extraordinary’” (Mr. Noyes quotes as his authority “Signs of the times,” No. 12.

Project Gutenberg
Secret Enemies of True Republicanism from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.