For a better understanding of the spectacles which will be mentioned afterwards, we must remark the following incident, which happened on that day, to wit, somebody mentioned, that there came many female mediums from a great distance in the expectation to be moved in the Convention by spirits to speak, that therefore all these mediums should come on the platform, and speak, whenever any of them should be moved by a spirit to do so. I think that others felt the absurdity of that proposition, which if it had been, accepted, would have created great confusion and hindrance to the realization of their speculations; therefore they did not respond to his suggestion. Readers should know, that if not all, certainly most of the heads and the agents of that Convention were spiritualists of the latest fashion.
On the afternoon of that day, after singing, I suddenly took the stand, to make use of the twenty minutes time, conceded by the rule of the Convention to every speaker. I wished to show, that nobody in the Convention touched the root of the evil; and that when others have neglected to study our message of Peace, which shows that root and how to extirpate it, at length spiritualists have been urged to do so. But they, instead of progressing and learning by our message, how to overcome evil with good, were attached to evil spirits, and they deluded people regarding our message of Peace, when we endeavored to move them to study it and act accordingly. Instead of many instances of our experience testifying this, I would mention only my experience at the last public meeting of spiritualists which I attended in the City of New York. A female medium whose lying spirits were exposed by me in a public meeting of spiritualists in Philadelphia on the first day of the last month (August 1858) came on the 22d of the same month to a meeting of spiritualists in New-York, in which meeting I spoke. During my speech the demon by whom she was possessed, propelled her three times to stop my speech. But when he was rebuked so terribly, that her friends could not bear any longer, they awakened her from her sleep and carried her out of the hall. But as soon as I ceased to speak, she returned; and the demon shut instantly her eyes, and said through her, that I am a Judas Jscariot, a Jesuit, an emissary of the Pope, &c. The chairman was induced, to ask the name of the spirit; but he refused to tell his name. Then he said through his medium, that he is “Donquixote Thomas Paine.” The first name he pronounced so that I knew by the pronunciation, who amongst my departed friends was the controller of the lying spirit, by whom the medium was possessed. My departed friend compelled him in the first place to tell, that he was Don Quixote, known as the hero in the celebrated Spanish romance or fable called Don Quixote. A similar fiction was also the speech of the demon by whom that medium was possessed, only that those who do not know me, might take the calumny of the devil for truth. After the confession that he was Don Quixote, to make which he was compelled by a higher power, he added according to his lying propensity, that he was Thomas Paine, although he was not Thomas Paine.