Secret Enemies of True Republicanism eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 271 pages of information about Secret Enemies of True Republicanism.

Secret Enemies of True Republicanism eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 271 pages of information about Secret Enemies of True Republicanism.

We agreed with the committee consisting of three public speakers, that they should make use of the first opportunity to proclaim the resolutions which have been unanimously adopted in our Convention.  Soon after my tremendous “no” one of our committee arose and told the assembled thousands, that a committee sent from an anti-slavery Convention had arrived with most important resolutions, to be publicly read in the grand tent meeting.  The chairman replied, that next after the address of the man who occupied the floor, they should deliver their resolutions.  They went directly on the platform.  But the pharisees on the platform were anxious to find out, who the man was, that gave the strong negative vote to their resolution.  Some amongst them knew me personally.  Therefore as soon as our committee came upon the platform, the above mentioned Quaker preacher Joseph Dugdale came to me inquiring, whether that committee belonged to my association or not.  I said, that he should not ask me, but the committee, to which association they belonged.

One of the deepest English investigators into the Jewish and Christian antiquities wrote in one of his publications, that there is no society more like the society of the Old Pharisees, than the Society of Quakers is.  He knew them in England, and I know them in America, and confess that it is true in regard to the Quaker speculators, who have enslaved the whole Quaker society, to be in their servitude and to prepare in their ignorance of matters the subjugation of the whole country under the yoke of monarchs.  Joseph Dugdale is the principal medium who was carried soon after that spectacle to Pennsylvania, and demons were powerfully operating through him in starting the sect of the “Progressive Friends.”  But at that tent meeting he inspired the heads to be cautious in admitting our committee to speak.  Therefore after the address of the man after whom our committee according to the promise of the chairman were to address the tent meeting, another was announced by name, to speak, and then a second, a third, and so on, although our committee were waiting on the platform from 9 o’clock A.M. till 2 or 3 P.M.  At length the chairman announced, that teams had arrived, to carry the tent from that to another place.  Provisions had been made, that if there should be danger for the infernal league, things might be prepared, to break of the tent.  Therefore when the chairman announced the advent of the teams, another pharisee mentioned, that the waiting committee had not yet spoken and the chairman said, that they should speak.

The speaker, instead of reading directly the resolutions of our Convention, undertook to prepare the audience by telling them, that he knew how to value the great zeal of Mr. Garrison for the deliverance of slaves.  And as far Mr. Garrison and others on the platform seemed to be pleased.  But as soon as he mentioned, that “Garrison is not infallible,” those who were ready for action, commenced to break off the tent, and there arose such a tumult amongst the assembled people, that nobody could distinguish the voice of the speaker from the noise of the crowd.

Project Gutenberg
Secret Enemies of True Republicanism from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.