Secret Enemies of True Republicanism eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 271 pages of information about Secret Enemies of True Republicanism.

Secret Enemies of True Republicanism eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 271 pages of information about Secret Enemies of True Republicanism.
When I saw, that they were in conspiracy with others in the Convention, I myself dissolved it.  I asked then the Quaker preacher Joseph Dugdale, whose residence was next to the meeting-house of the Convention, why he did not attend it.  He answered, that he received from the spirit what he needed.  I started from thence for the Western Reserve of Ohio, and appointed in Trumbol County a Convention, and sent an article to the Garrisonian Liberator.  In that article I assured the Abolitionists, that from my documents which should be examined in the Convention, it would be evident, that we have received the mission, and that we have as credentials of our mission a long chain of signs according to prophecies, by which we are assured, that we will abolish all kinds of slavery and monarchy by the power of the spirit, with the assistance of slaveholders themselves, when abolitionists shall comprehend our message and spread it on the globe.

Lloyd Garrison, the head medium of the infernal league, has published my article, but with such editorial remarks, as were quite agreeable to his master, the infernal Holiness.  I forgot to inquire, whether my article appeared or not in the Liberator, till on the first day of our Convention a man remarked that our Convention was small on account of Garrison’s editorial remarks to my article and his grand tent meeting in the neighborhood at the same time with our Convention.  I came from a distance, and was ignorant of the great provisions made by the infernal holiness to retain his slaves in bondage at the appointment of our Convention for their deliverance.  The same man had a copy of the Liberator containing my article with Garrison’s remarks.  They were read to the Convention.  Then I made my remarks[J] and the proposition, to finish our Convention so as to reach on the last day Garrison’s[K] grand tent meeting in Lima, Ohio, and proclaim there our resolutions.

We did so.  A committee from our convention went with me, and we arrived in Lima at the Garrisonian tent meeting on the last day.  Several thousand persons were assembled, and the first business after our arrival was the reading of a resolution, in which Garrison and his fellow laborers were declared as the true ministers of the Gospel, in connexsion with a fatal blow to the ministers of other sects.  A general reception of the resolution was testified with “yes” from a thousand voices; but when the contrary vote was required, there was only my “no” heard; but it was so strong, that it surprised the whole audience.  I added that I came to show, who the true ministers of the Gospel[L] were.

Project Gutenberg
Secret Enemies of True Republicanism from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.