Secret Enemies of True Republicanism eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 271 pages of information about Secret Enemies of True Republicanism.

Secret Enemies of True Republicanism eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 271 pages of information about Secret Enemies of True Republicanism.

The third angel or the messenger representing the body of messengers, by whose efficacy the beast and its image and the false prophet supporting them, will disappear from the globe, gives in the last treatise of this book the plan according to which the beast and its image and the false prophet will disappear and Christ’s peaceable reign will be established on the whole globe.  Peace would have been already established amongst nations of the Christian name and they would have labored at this time powerfully in the conversion of Heathens not to one or the other sect but into the peaceable reign of Christ, which will be the universal Republic of Truth and Justice, if those who have been exhorted first, to study our message of peace had fulfilled their highest duty.  The first who have been powerfully urged to study our message of peace and the credentials of our mission, were bishops, doctors of divinity and other clergymen of all parties and sects where I had opportunity to reach them.  But when they refused to fulfill their highest duty, I was particularly engaged to move abolitionists to study what has been providentially prepared by our instrumentality to move slaveholders themselves for co-operation with us to introduce the millennium or the universel Republic of Truth and Justice and Peace amongst all nations:  because I was certain, that if the abolitionists would study it, slaveholders themselves would do the same.  But alas! when Jesus was explaining the dreadful condition of Jerusalem, the Jews did not see it.  Likewise also citizens of the United States do not see theirs as we see it from the position of our mission.  The principal elements of the vulcano the eruption of which is yet latent, are in leaders of abolitionists, who are obstinate materialists refusing to make use of the means which are offered them in our message to extinguish the burning vulcano.  They have lost discernment and judgment, when it is most necessary to make the right use of it, to liberate the country from the yoke of tyrants.  Although I could write volumes to illustrate my assertion, at this occasion I mention only a little of my experience in the Convention to overcome evil with good, and which was in the newspapers announced under the specious title:  Philanthropic Convention to overcome evil with good, and which was held on the 10th, 11th and 12th days of September, 1858, in Utica of the State of New-York.  The most influential persons in that Convention were Abolitionists of the Garrisonian and Gerrit Smith’s parties and Spiritulists belonging to those and to the Republican party.  I attended that Convention to offer the remedy against the pernicious effects, which are produced by the wrong course which leaders of those parties pursue for destruction of this Republic, and to show the course which all true reformers have to pursue for Harmony and Peace of all nations.

Project Gutenberg
Secret Enemies of True Republicanism from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.