In the first place we need a centre. And according to the pattern of the centre as many settlements on other places will be established as will be needed to accommodate all who will find best to move from their present situation to a settlement of our Peace Union. But everywhere persons of our principles will be needed to instruct and strengthen the neighbours. The hints given here will be so modified to their situation as their circumstances will require.
In the centre is to be concentrated, what is to be spread everywhere, to benefit in the first place members of the Peace Union and by their instrumentality as many others as can be reached. Therefore co-operation and support from all who comprehend this book and their application to others is necessary to raise means, for establishing what is required in the centre. Although all who contribute for the centre, will not have chance to reside there, they will have a chance to send some of their children or relations to the institutions of the University for the New Era, which will be established there, according to our plan, according to which a great change will take place in studies, that all intellectual and moral faculties of students will be harmoniously developed, and much time will be gained for learning every day for some hours in the school and for some hours in the shops and elsewhere that to learn which each will be most qualified and inclined. Wherefore those who afford money and other property for the centre and what is needed there, acquire the right to reside there, when needed as teachers, or for mechanical branches, arts, sciences, for agriculture, horticulture, &c. What mankind need for the New Era, should be shown there to students theoretically and practically. Therefore all who have superabundant means, if they comprehend this book, will send such