Secret Enemies of True Republicanism eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 271 pages of information about Secret Enemies of True Republicanism.

Secret Enemies of True Republicanism eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 271 pages of information about Secret Enemies of True Republicanism.

There was a great jubilee of those who have been deluded by priestcraft, that they thought when Christ was killed, that he would arise no more, When Etzler as well as the man who has given me in words and in writing the pledge with his whole property that he would put the machine in operation, have left the place I said to those who have remained on the place, that in the next night would be revealed to one of them, how the mistakes made by Etzler, should be corrected and the machine should be put in operation.  George Karle, a young lame shoemaker, a sincere seeker after truth and firm believer in our mission, was the man to whom the mystery was revealed, and he has explained at our meeting the matter in such a manner, that also those who were most opposed, have at length been convinced, after having heard his explanation how Etzler’s mistakes should be repaired, that he had received a true revelation, and agreed that he should be the director in rebuilding Etzler’s machine, to make a new trial.  But before this has been done, he was brought into the Allegheny River and drowned by the instrumentality of the departed Mormon Prophet Joe Smith, not directly but indirectly by the instrumentality of a cow.  But a week after that, on the 30th of July, 1844, the same destroying spirit Joe Smith was allowed to attack me directly, to show how he would be able to kill a man in a minute, if he would be permitted.  But he was seized by my guardian and cast into a combustible matter which was by his infernal electricity instantly kindled.  George Karle was permitted to be drowned, because the time for establishing our centre had not yet arrived, and Karle had an important mission in the spirit world, and in that great mission he continues to be engaged.

It is to be understood that the given hints regarding Joe Smith would need a peculiar treatise.  I did not know him personally in his mortal body, but urged preachers of his sect to move him to meet me either in a written correspondence or personally, to learn to know his dreadful delusion.  The same I published in “The one thing needful,” and urged his Elders, to send to him an English copy of that volume, which as readers of this book know, has been translated from the German into English.  But in that year matters did not yet arrive to maturity for the conversion of Mormon Apostles and Elders.  Their infernal President had to show, how his army had the power to prevent my starting the centre of our operation.  But that my meeting with the departed Joe Smith occasioned my meeting with the mortal Brigham Young, while he was yet in Nauvoo, but although I preached to him and his disciples the judgment dipensation, they were not yet mature to be converted, and my manuscripts in which dreadful mysteries of the Mormon Spiritualism are developed, must wait to be published, when nations will be prepared to read so important disclosures.

Project Gutenberg
Secret Enemies of True Republicanism from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.