Secret Enemies of True Republicanism eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 271 pages of information about Secret Enemies of True Republicanism.

Secret Enemies of True Republicanism eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 271 pages of information about Secret Enemies of True Republicanism.
to introduce the promised New Era, have been published.  During and after the publication of those volumes it was evident, that our duty was to make known to those who have read or heard somewhat regarding our mission, that for a powerful co-operation we would need a centre of our action.  Adolph Etzler published that time a book entitled:  “The New World or Mechanical System to Perform Labour of Man and Beast by Inanimate Powers.”  I have read it and found the principles correct, and that although all that he proposed, would not be practicable, some of his propositions could be put in practice.  And when I saw that Germans were so chained either by materialism or sectarianism, that instead of studying those my five German volumes and of acting accordingly they followed rather after their sectarian and materialistic leaders who have published all kinds of delusion against my books, and spoke also in a like manner publicly and privately against them, my directors moved me to tell to those who took more or less interest in the contents of my books and were skilful mechanics, that they should study Etzler’s book, and if they would find his propositions practicable, they should try to awaken Germans with Etzler’s machine to study my German volumes.  The best mechanic among them, after having studied Etzler’s book, and having seen the draughts of all parts of Etzler’s machine and heard Etzler’s explanation of all its parts, has assured me in words and in writing that he gave all his property as security, that he would put Etzler’s machine in operation.  But a seeress who belonged to our association, and gave amongst all women the strongest testimony to our mission, although she did not see the pattern of the machine, received in a vision its whole structure and described exactly the portions which she saw in the vision, that they broke.  She received that vision a considerable time before those who were expecting certain success, commenced to build Etzlers machine.  I was certain that the prophetical vision would be fulfilled, but I expected that afterwards would be shown how Etzler’s mistakes should be repaired, and that great lessons would be given to nations by the trial of that machine, the inventor of which was a great materialist, not knowing that he himself was a strong medium of spirits of a similar character as spirits of Napoleon I. were, to subdue the world by physical means, while I considered that machine as the means of peculiar spirit manifestations to awaken nations from their materialism to our message of peace containing the true spiritualism.  The machine was built under Etzler’s direction in Warren County, Pa., the trial was made, and the pieces broke which have been foreseen and foretold as breaking.

Project Gutenberg
Secret Enemies of True Republicanism from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.