After having received such an astonishing unexpected light regarding the 100th of the 144 witnesses of our catalogue, that only those can duly appreciate it who have studied my volumes, others who have neglected their duty and came in the number of the excommunicated only for an illustration of those on the 90th and 100th places, as we have explained in those volumes, came then without having been called, to me, and were received in our communion. But the 90th did not come, and his place and his names had a peculiar reference to all that which has been performed in the Cathedral Church of Boston by our instrumentality; but I had received no communication in regard to him. Therefore I thought proper to send Messengers to inquire, whether anybody knew a man having the name “Leo Hefner” and having been in Boston at the time in which the 144 witnesses signed their names in my catalogue. But after the most careful inquiry nobody brought any account of Leo Hefner. After that I received the communication, that that name which is on the 90th place of our catalogue, is a mystery which must be explained by me.
Then I commenced to explain, that most suitable names have been selected by Divine wisdom for the excommunication, of the Beast which has the mouth of a Leo, that means in English a Lion, Revelation, xiii: 2, and the Beast is the Papal Monarchy, for the foundation of which although several predecessors of Pope Leo I. were preparing the way, that Leo or Lion contributed most by his energy and principles which are expressed in his writings, to that monarchy, which afterwards Pope Gregory VII. endeavoured to establish with great power, and his successors triumphed at length against their adversaries, and the mouth of these lions under the Christian mask swallowed as much of human life and property as it could reach, and the whole succession or family of the Popes produced a “Hefner.” In the explanation of the expressive names which have been prepared by the Heavenly Congress, we take the most suitable significations which appear obviously in the names. We took the name “Hefner” as a composition of German Hef or Hefe, which means “dregs” or “sediment,” and the Hebrew “Ner,” which means Lamp, so that Hefner means “dregs of the Lamp” in our interpretation. The Pope used the Hebrew Lamp and besides others especially German scholars gave him the greatest assistance, that by his anti-christian management the Lamp of Truth and Righteousness could not burn, because there was oil consumed and dregs of the most dreadful materialism were destroying and ruining mankind.
It is to be understood, that we give only some hints of what we explained in the first volume as far as our leaders found proper to do, showing gradually the great apostasy from the christian truth and immersion into materialism and ceremonialism, produced by the anti-christian management[Z] of the “Hefner or Dregs of the Lamp.” In the second volume we cotinued the explanation, that is, I under the