my expectation, that I thought, that my surest way
would be to write to the next bishop and to continue
to labor as secular Priest. In that my determination
to write on the next following day to the Bishop of
Lavant, I went to rest. But I came from my sleep
into a trance of unspeakable Heavenly light, during
which I was surrounded by a company of spirits and
magnetized or initiated by them for the great labor
which I had to perform, and the temptations against
which I had to act. At that initiation I did
not see my mother, but I heard so distinctly her voice
and with so powerful impression that it could not
be effaced from my mind, when she said that I should
remain in the monastery. Amongst all communications
which I received in Europe from Heavenly guides, this
was the only one, which I have received from my mother;
and nobody else could impress a stronger conviction
than she did, in the most momentous instance in which
I needed a Heavenly comfort. And that initiation
by Heavenly messengers strengthened me, till I received
on Sunday Sexagesima, February 18, 1838, the great
initiation at the Altar of the Cathedral Church of
Boston for my public appearance in my present charge
and was commanded by the martyr Revel. xiv: 14
to commence my address with the initiation which I
had received twelve years before that. The Roman
Catholic Church has prepared for that Sunday Luke
viii 4-15, and I explained according to the 10th verse
the mystery of our mission. I had to mention some
points at my public initiation to my present mission
in which I had to perform in the first place in the
Roman Catholic Church what was required according to
prophecies to give the Pope and his bishops the most
solemn divine testimony, that their prophetical administration
is accomplished, and that their highest duty is to
become with us messengers of the dispensation of the
fulness of times Ephes. 1:10, in which all in Heaven
and on Earth should be united and pacified in Christ.
For this purpose the church or the people must be
cleansed. To show them the necessity of the cleansing
of the sanctuary, after that my public appearance in
the glorious mission, demons were compelled to bring
to daylight the secret abominations, of which we have
in the brief hints of this treatise to mention one
instance, which is in peculiar connexion with the three
on the title-page named witnesses and with other regents.
One man was found in our congregation, who was not
in the catalogue of the 144, who have signed their
names into our catalogue on the 7th January, 1838;
but he was in the catalogue of those who have been
given to me before that signing as belonging to the
congregation, and that man appeared in that catalogue
as being married, and when after our public appearance
in the present mission the abominations commenced
to be detected, that man was found, that he was not
married with the woman with whom he lived as being
married. I sent to him word, that if he wished
to know his duty, he should come to me. But he