“I (A. B.), kneeling down with a true heart, repent of my sins, and pray the Heavenly Father, the great God, of his abundant mercy, to forgive my former sins of ignorance in repeatedly breaking the Divine commands, earnestly beseeching him also to grant me repentance and newness of life, that my soul may go to Heaven, while I henceforth truly forsake my former ways, abandoning idolatry and all corrupt practices, in obedience to God’s commands. I also pray that God would give me his Holy Spirit to change my wicked heart, deliver me from all temptation, and grant me his favor and protection, bestowing on me food and raiment, and exemption from calamity, peace in this world and glory in the next, through the mercies of our Saviour and Elder Brother, Jesus, who redeemed us from sin.”
In every household throughout the Ti-Ping territory the following translation of the Lord’s Prayer was hung up for the use of the children, printed in large black characters on a white board:—
“Supreme Lord, our Heavenly Father, forgive all our sins that we have committed in ignorance, rebelling against thee. Bless us, brethren and sisters, thy little children. Give us our daily food and raiment; keep from us all calamities and afflictions; that in this world we may have peace and finally ascend to heaven to enjoy everlasting happiness. We pray thee to bless our brethren and sisters of all nations. We ask these things for the redeeming merits of our Lord and Saviour, our heavenly brother, Jesus. We also pray, Heavenly Father, that thy will may be done on earth as in heaven: for thine are all the kingdoms, glory, and power. Amen.”
The writer says he has frequently watched the Ti-Ping women teaching the children this prayer; “and often, on entering a house, the children ran up to me, and pulling me toward the board, began to read the prayer.”
The seventh day was kept very strictly. As soon as midnight sounded on Friday, all the people throughout; Ti-Pingdom were summoned to worship. Two other services were held during the day. Each opened with a doxology to God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Then was sung this hymn:—
“The true doctrine is
different from the doctrine of this world;
It saves men’s souls
and gives eternal bliss.
The wise receive it instantly
with joy;
The foolish, wakened by it,
find the way to Heaven.
Our Heavenly Father, of his
great mercy,
Did not spare his own Son,
but sent him down
To give his life to redeem
When men know this, and repent,
they may go to Heaven.”