" a relapse to a lower stand point, 483.
" summary of its good and evil influence, 484.
Monotheism (or Dualism), the doctrine of the Avesta, 203.
Montesquieu quoted, 357.
Moses, his historic character, 409.
" described by Strabo (note), 410.
" his natural genius and temperament, 411.
" his seventy and tenderness, 412.
" his sense of justice embodied in law, 412.
" his object to teach the holiness of God, 413.
" defects of his character, 413.
" character of his monotheism, 414.
" his monotheism described by Stanley (note), 414.
" his anthropomorphic view of God, 415.
" his acquaintance with Egyptian learning, 416.
" nature of his inspiration, 417.
" political freedom secured to the Jews by his law, 418.
" object of his ceremonial law, 420.
Mythology of Scandinavia and that of Zoroaster compared, 384.
Names of our week-days Scandinavian, 358.
Neptunus, origin of the name, 328.
Nestorian inscription in China, 71-78.
Njord, ruler of the winds, 378.
Northern and Southern Europe compared, 359.
Northmen in France, Spain, Italy, and Greece, 389.
Number of Christians in the world, 146.
" of Buddhists in the world, 146.
" of Jews in the world, 146.
" of Mohammedans in the world, 146.
" of Brahmans, 146.
Nyaya, system of philosophy, assumes three principles,
" system of philosophy, described by
Banerjea, 123.
Odin, or All-father, eldest of the AEsir, 377.
" corresponds to Ormazd, 385.
" his festival in the spring, 386.
Opa, goddess of the harvest, 330.
Pales, a rural god, 330.
Palestine, or the land of the Philistines, 397.
" resembles Greece and Switzerland,
" its mountainous character, 397.
" a small country, 398.
" its mountains and valleys, 399.
Palgrave, note giving an extract from his book, 486.
Papacy, mediaeval, good done by it, 350.
" a reproduction of the Roman state
religion, 350.
Parsi religion, its influence on Judaism, 205.
" " its influence on Christianity,
" " teaches a kingdom of heaven,
" " still continues in Persia
and India, 208.
Parthenon, the, temple of Minerva, described, 290.
Penates, gods of home, 328.
Persepolis, ruins of the palace of Xerxes at, 170.
" inscriptions of Darius and Xerxes
at, 170.
" tombs of the kings of Persia
at, 174.
Pharisees, Sadducets, and Essenei, 444.
Phidias, his statue of Jupiter described, 288.