" civil-service examinations, 39.
" public boards and their duties, 42.
" viceroys, or governors of provinces, 42.
" agriculture carried to perfection, 43.
" “Kings,” or sacred books, 47.
" philosophy in its later developments, 52.
" doctrine of the grand extreme, 52.
" doctrine of Yang and Yin, or the positive and negative essences,
" doctrine of holy men, 53.
" people, their amiable character, 59.
" " described by Lieutenant Forbes, 59.
" " described by Du Halde, 60.
" " described by Meadows, 60.
" " treatment of woman, 61.
Christian apologists, their errors, 4.
" " have regarded most religions as human inventions, 4.
" " have considered them as debasing superstitions, 4.
Christianity adapted to the Northern races, 395.
" a pleroma, or fulness of life, 492.
" an inclusive system, not exclusive, 493.
" summary of its relation to other religions, 494.
" a religion of progress, 507.
" a religion of universal unity, 508.
" has the power of continued progress, 29.
" in its various developments,29.
" meets the positive and negative side:
of Brahmanism, 24.
of Buddhism, 25.
of Confucius, 26.
of Zoroaster, 26.
of Egypt, 27.
of Greece, 28.
Cicero, his work “De Natura Deorum,” 341.
" on the speech of Caesar, 342.
Circumcision, its origin and extent, 251.
Cleanthes, the Stoic, his hymn, 285.
Comparative Philology, its discoveries, 86.
" Theology either analytical or synthetical, 2.
" " its relation to Comparative Geography, 2.
" " its relation to human progress, 2.
" " must do justice to all religions, 3.
" " is still in its infancy, 3.
" " is a science, 3.
" " will furnish new evidence to the truth of
Christianity, 13.
" " will show Christianity to be a catholic religion,
adapted to all races, 15.
" " will show Christianity to be all-sided, 21.
" " will show Christianity capable of progress, 29.
" " in its probable results, 30.
Confucius, his birth and ancestors, 44, 45.
" his influence, 44, 45.
" events of his life, 45, 46.
" edits the sacred books, or Kings, 47.
" his own writings, 47.
" his Table-Talk, extracts from, 48, 49.
" had a large organ of veneration, 50.
" had great energy and persistency,
" civil-service examinations, 39.
" public boards and their duties, 42.
" viceroys, or governors of provinces, 42.
" agriculture carried to perfection, 43.
" “Kings,” or sacred books, 47.
" philosophy in its later developments, 52.
" doctrine of the grand extreme, 52.
" doctrine of Yang and Yin, or the positive and negative essences,
" doctrine of holy men, 53.
" people, their amiable character, 59.
" " described by Lieutenant Forbes, 59.
" " described by Du Halde, 60.
" " described by Meadows, 60.
" " treatment of woman, 61.
Christian apologists, their errors, 4.
" " have regarded most religions as human inventions, 4.
" " have considered them as debasing superstitions, 4.
Christianity adapted to the Northern races, 395.
" a pleroma, or fulness of life, 492.
" an inclusive system, not exclusive, 493.
" summary of its relation to other religions, 494.
" a religion of progress, 507.
" a religion of universal unity, 508.
" has the power of continued progress, 29.
" in its various developments,29.
" meets the positive and negative side:
of Brahmanism, 24.
of Buddhism, 25.
of Confucius, 26.
of Zoroaster, 26.
of Egypt, 27.
of Greece, 28.
Cicero, his work “De Natura Deorum,” 341.
" on the speech of Caesar, 342.
Circumcision, its origin and extent, 251.
Cleanthes, the Stoic, his hymn, 285.
Comparative Philology, its discoveries, 86.
" Theology either analytical or synthetical, 2.
" " its relation to Comparative Geography, 2.
" " its relation to human progress, 2.
" " must do justice to all religions, 3.
" " is still in its infancy, 3.
" " is a science, 3.
" " will furnish new evidence to the truth of
Christianity, 13.
" " will show Christianity to be a catholic religion,
adapted to all races, 15.
" " will show Christianity to be all-sided, 21.
" " will show Christianity capable of progress, 29.
" " in its probable results, 30.
Confucius, his birth and ancestors, 44, 45.
" his influence, 44, 45.
" events of his life, 45, 46.
" edits the sacred books, or Kings, 47.
" his own writings, 47.
" his Table-Talk, extracts from, 48, 49.
" had a large organ of veneration, 50.
" had great energy and persistency,