" he arrives at Nirvana, 149.
" devotes himself to teaching, 150.
" dies at the age of eighty years, 150.
" period of his death, 150.
Buddhism, Protestantism of the East, 139.
" resemblance of its customs to those of the Romish Church, 139.
" its worship of relics very ancient, 140.
" its singular and beautiful architecture, 140.
" its shrines for relics, 141.
" its rock-cut temples and monasteries, 141.
" cannot have been copied from Catholicism, 141.
" its interior resemblance to Protestantism, 142.
" its respect for human freedom and human rights, 143.
" its belief in the capacity of the human intellect, 144.
" its monastic character, 144.
" its expulsion from India, 145.
" the religion of the Mongol nations, 146.
" its scriptures and their discovery, 147.
Buddhists, their general councils, 151.
" their missionaries and missionary spirit, 151.
" their leading doctrines, 153.
" their idea of human development and progress, 154.
" their four great truths, 155.
" their moral commandments, 156.
" their system rational and humane, 156.
" their toleration, 157.
" their benevolence and hospitality, 158.
" their worship and ritual, 159.
" their doctrines of Karma and Nirvana, 161.
" good and evil of their system, 164.
" their doctrine of transmigration, 167.
" how far their teaching resembles Christianity, 167.
Bundehesch, opinion of Windischmann concerning it, 194.
" doctrinal system of, 195.
Burlingame, Anson, his mission, 70.
Carthaginians, their language a form of Hebrew, 400.
Catholic religious, three, 18.
" " teach the unity of God,
" " which have failed of
universality, 19.
Ceres, Liber, Flora, and Pomona, rural deities, 330.
Chaldees of Ur, same as modern Curds, 405.
Chandragupta, contemporary of Alexander, 86.
Cherubim, its derivation from the Sphinx, 252.
Chinese civilization, its peculiarities, 32.
" " prose of Asia, 32.
" " its antiquity, 33.
" " its grotesque character,
Chinese empire, its size, 33.
" history commences, 34.
" language, 34.
" wall and canals, 34.
" artesian wells, 34.
" inoculation, bronze money, mariner’s
compass, gunpowder, 35.
" art of printing, and libraries,
" people possess freedom (note), 37.
" government based on education, 38.
" monarchy a family, 38.
" government a literary aristocracy,