HEEREN (A. H. L.). Historical Researches into the Polities, Intercourse, and Trade of the Principal Nations of Antiquity. (English translation.) Oxford. 1833.
HEFFTER (M. W.). Mythologie der Griechen und Roemer. Leipzig. 1854. (Greeks and Romans.)
HERODOTUS, and other Greek Historians. (Greece.)
HIGGINSON (EDWARD). The Spirit of the Bible. London. 1863. (Judaea.)
Hitopadesa. Translated by Francis Johnson.
London and Hertford. 1848.
d’un voyage dans la Tartaric, le
Thibet et la Chine pendant les annees 1844, 1845,
et 1846. Paris. 1852.
------ ------ Le Christianisme en Chine. (1857.) (Both these works have been translated into English.) (Buddhism.)
INMAN (F.). Ancient Faiths embodied in Ancient Names. 2 vols. London. 1868.
JONES (Sir WILLIAM). Works. 13 vols. 1807.
JULIEN (M. STANISLAS). Memoires sur les contrees occidentales, traduites du Chinois en Francais. Paris. 1857. (China.)
------ ------ Le Livre des Recompenses et des Peines. Paris. 1835. (Oriental Translation Fund.) (China.)
------ ------ Le Tao-te King, le livre de la voie, et de la vertu, par le philosophe Lao-tseu. Paris. 1842. (China.)
KENRICK (JOHN). Ancient Egypt under the Pharaohs. Redfield. New York. 1852.
KLAUSSEN (R. H.). Aeneas und die Penaten. (Influence of the Greek Religion on Italian Religions.) 1839.
KLEUKER (JOHANN FRIEDRICH). Anhang zum Zend-avesta. Leipzig und Riga. 1781.
------ ------ Zend-avesta, Zoroaster’s Lebendiges Wort. Riga. 1777. (From the French of A. Du Perron.)
KNOX (R.). The Races of Men. London. 1850.
KOEPPEN (C. F.). Die Religion des Buddha. Berlin. 1857.
------ ------ Die Lamaische hierarchie. Berlin. 1859.
KREMER (ALFRED VON). Geschichte der herrchenden Ideen des Islams. Leipzig. 1868.
KURTZ (FRIEDRICH). Allgemeine Mythologie. Leipzig. 1869.
LAING (SAMUEL). Chronicle of the Kings of Norway.
London: Longman. 1844.
LANDSEER (JOHN). Sabaean Researches. London. 1823.
LANE (EDWARD WILLIAM). Manners and Customs of the Modern Egyptians. 2 vols. 5th edition. London. 1848.
------ ------ Selections from the Kuran, with an interwoven Commentary. London. 1843.
LANOYE (F. DE). Rameses the Great. New York: Scribner. 1870. (Egypt.)
LASSEN (C.). Indische Alterthumskunde. (4 Bande.) Bonn. 1847.
LATHAM (R. G.). The Natural History of the Varieties of Man. London. 1850.
Descriptive Ethnology. London. 1859.
LEGGE (JAMES). The Chinese Classics, with a Translation,
Critical and
Exegetical Notes, Prolegomena, and copious Indexes.
Hongkong. 1861-1865.
LENORMANT (FRANCOIS). A Manual of the Ancient History of the East. London: Asher & Co. 1869. (Judaea, Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Phoenicia, Carthage, Arabia.)