Ten Great Religions eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 690 pages of information about Ten Great Religions.

Ten Great Religions eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 690 pages of information about Ten Great Religions.

Index of the Principal Authors Consulted in the Preparation of this Work.

ACKERMANN (D.  C.).  Das Christliche im Plato.  Hamburg. 1835. (Translated in Clark’s Theological Library.) (Greece.)

AESCHYLUS, and other Greek Poets. (Greece.)

ALGER (WM. R.).  A Critical History of the Doctrine of a Future Life. 
Philadelphia:  Childs. 1864.

ALLEN (JOSEPH H.).  Hebrew Men and Times.  Boston. 1861. (Judaea.)

American Oriental Society, Journal of the.  New Haven; published annually. 
(Oriental Religions.)

AMPERE (J.  J. A.).  L’Histoire Romaine.  Paris. 1864. (Rome.)

------ ------ La Science en Orient.

Anthropological Society of London, Memoirs of (commenced in 1863-64).

Asiatic Journal, 1816-1843.  London.

Asiatic Researches (commenced London. 1801).

BALDWIN (JOHN D.).  Pre-Historic Nations.  New York. 1869.

BANHERJEA (Rev. K. M.).  Dialogues on Hindoo Philosophy, comprising the
Nyaya, Sankhya, and Vyasa.  London. 1861. (Brahmanism.)

BAUR (F.  C.).  Symbolik und Mythologie.  Stuttgart. 1829.

BLEEK (ARTHUR HENRY).  Avesta.  The religious Books of the Parsees. 
Translated into English from Spiegel’s German translation.  Hertford. 1864. 

BOeEKH.  Manetho und der Hundstern period.  Berlin. 1840. (Egypt.)

BURNOUF (EUGENE).  Commentaire sur le Yacna.  Paris. 1823.

------ ------ Introduction a l’Histoire du Buddhisme Indien.  Paris. 1844.
------ ------ Le Bhagavata Purana, on Histoire Poetique de Krichna.  Paris.

BURNOUF (EMILE).  Essai sur le Veda. 1863.

BRUGSCH.  Histoire de l’Egypte.  Leipzig. 1859. ------- Aus dem Orient.

BUNSEN (C.  C. J.).  Bibelwerk.  Leipzig:  Brockhaus. 1858. (Judaea.)

------ ------ Gott in der Geschichte.  Leipzig. 1857.
------ ------ AEgypten’s Stelle in der Weltgesehichte.  Hamburg. 1845-1867. 
English translation, 1868.

CHABAS (F.).  Les Pasteurs en Egypt.  Amsterdam. 1868.

CHASTEL (ETIENNE).  Histoire de la Destruction du Paganisme dans l’Empire d’Orient.  Paris. 1850.

Chinese Reeorder and Missionary Journal.  Foochow.

COCKER (B.  F.).  Christianity and Greek Philosophy.  New York 1870. 

COLEBROOKE (H.  T.).  Miscellaneous Essays; in two vols.  London. 1837. 

CREUZER (FRIEDRICH).  Symbolik und Mythologie der alten Voelker.  Leipzig. 1836. (Greece, India, Persia.)

CUDWORTH (RALPH).  The True Intellectual System of the Universe.  American edition. 2 vols. 1837.

CUNNINGHAM (ALEXANDER).  The Ancient Geography of India.  London. 1871.  (Buddhism.)

------ ------ Bhilsa Topes of India. (Buddhism.)

Dabistan, The.  Translated from the Persian.  Oriental Translation Fund. 1843. (Persia, Brahmanism, Judaea, Islam.)

Project Gutenberg
Ten Great Religions from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.