Ten Great Religions eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 690 pages of information about Ten Great Religions.

Ten Great Religions eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 690 pages of information about Ten Great Religions.
“‘The first and eldest of the AEsir,’ continued Thridi, ’is Odin.  He governs all things, and although the other deities are powerful, they all serve and obey him as children do their father.  Frigga is his wife.  She foresees the destinies of men, but never reveals what is to come.  For thus it is said that Odin himself told Loki, “Senseless Loki, why wilt thou pry into futurity?  Frigga alone knoweth the destinies of all, though she telleth them never."’
“’Odin is named Alfadir (All-father), because he is the father of all the gods, and also Valfadir (Choosing Father), because he chooses for his sons all those who fall in combat.  For their abode he has prepared Valhalla and Vingolf, where they are called Einherjar (Heroes or Champions).  Odin is also called Hangagud, Haptagud, and Farmagud, and, besides these, was named in many ways when he went to King Geirraudr.’....

   “OF THOR.

   “‘I now ask thee,’ said Gangler, ’what are the names of the other gods? 
   What are their functions, and what have they brought to pass?’

“‘The mightiest of them,’ replied Har, ’is Thor.  He is called Asa-Thor and Auku-Thor, and is the strongest of gods and men.  His realm is named Thrudvang, and his mansion Bilskirnir, in which are five hundred and forty halls.  It is the largest house ever built.  Thus it is called in the Grimnismal:—­

        “Fire hundred halls
        And forty more,
        Methinketh, hath
        Bowed Bilskirnir. 
        Of houses roofed
        There’s none I know
        My son’s surpassing.”

“’Thor has a car drawn by two goats called Tanngniost and Tanngrisnir.  From his driving about in this car he is called Auku-Thor (Charioteer-Thor).  He likewise possesses three very precious things.  The first is a mallet called Mjoelnir, which both the Frost and Mountain Giants know to their cost when they see it hurled against them in the air; and no wonder, for it has split many a skull of their fathers and kindred.  The second rare thing he possesses is called the belt of strength or prowess (Megingjardir).  When he girds it about him his divine might is doubly augmented; the third, also very precious, being his iron gauntlets, which he is obliged to put on whenever he would lay hold of the handle of his mallet.  There is no one so wise as to be able to relate all Thor’s marvellous exploits, yet I could tell thee so many myself that hours would be whiled away ere all that I know had been recounted.’


   “‘I would rather,’ said Gangler, ’hear something about the other

Project Gutenberg
Ten Great Religions from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.