CAMPBELL, Witchcraft: J.G. Campbell, Witchcraft and Second Sight in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland. 1902.
CORMAC: Cormac’s Glossary. Tr. by J. O’Donovan. Ed. by W. Stokes. Calcutta, 1868.
COURCELLE—SENEUIL.: J.L. Courcelle-Seneuil, Les dieux gaulois d’apres les monuments figures. Paris, 1910.
CIL: Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum. Berlin, 1863 f.
CM: Celtic Magazine. Inverness, 1875 f.
CURTIN, HTI: J. Curtin, Hero Tales of Ireland. 1894.
CURTIN, Tales: J. Curtin, Tales of the Fairies and Ghost World. 1895.
DALZELL: Sir J.G. Dalzell, Darker Superstitions of Scotland. 1835.
D’ARBOIS: H. D’Arbois de Jubainville, Cours de litterature celtique. 12 vols. Paris, 1883-1902.
D’ARBOIS Les Celtes: H. D’Arbois de Jubainville, Les Celtes. Paris, 1904.
D’ARBOIS Les Druides: H. D’Arbois de Jubainville, Les Druides et les dieux celtiques a formes d’animaux. Paris, 1906.
D’ARBOIS PH: H. D’Arbois de Jubainville, Les premiers habitants de l’Europe. 2 vols. Paris, 1889-1894.
DOM MARTIN: Dom Martin, Le religion des gaulois. 2 vols. Paris, 1727.
DOTTIN: G. Dottin, Manuel pour servir a l’etude de l’antiquite celtique. Paris, 1906.
ELTON: C.I. Elton, Origins of English History. London, 1890.
FRAZER, GB{2}: J.G. Frazer, Golden Bough{2}. 3 vols. 1900.
GUEST: Lady Guest, The Mabinogion. 3 vols. Llandovery, 1849.
HAZLITT: W.C. Hazlitt, Faiths and Folk-lore: A Dictionary of National Beliefs, Superstitions, and Popular Customs. 2 vols. 1905.
HOLDER: A. Holder, Altceltischer Sprachschatz. 3 vols. Leipzig, 1891 f.
HULL: Miss E. Hull, The Cuchullin Saga. London, 1898.
IT: See Windisch-Stokes.
JAI: Journal of the Anthropological Institute. London, 1871 f.
JOYCE, OCR: P.W. Joyce, Old Celtic Romances{2}. London, 1894.
JOYCE, PN: P.W. Joyce, History
of Irish Names of Places{4}. 2 vols.
London, 1901.
JOYCE, SH: P.W. Joyce, Social
History of Ancient Ireland. 2 vols.
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JULLIAN: C. Jullian, Recherches sur la religion gauloise. Bordeaux, 1903.
KEATING: Keating, History of Ireland. Tr. O’Mahony. London, 1866.
KENNEDY: P. Kennedy, Legendary Fictions of the Irish Celts. 1866.
LARMINIE: W. Larminie, West Irish Folk-Tales and Romances. 1893.
LEAHY: Leahy, Heroic Romances of Ireland. 2 vols. London, 1905.
LE BRAZ: A. Le Braz, La Legende de la Mort chez les Bretons armoricains. 2 vols. Paris, 1902.