The Sword Maker eBook

Robert Barr (writer)
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 407 pages of information about The Sword Maker.

The Sword Maker eBook

Robert Barr (writer)
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 407 pages of information about The Sword Maker.

Unhappy Durnberg!  Every morning he expected the Electoral Court to be convened that day, and every evening he was disappointed.  It was his first duty to lay out upon the table in that great room, the Kaisersaal, a banquet, to be partaken of by the newly-made Emperor, and by the seven potentates who elected him.  It was also his duty to provide two huge tanks of wine, one containing the ruby liquor pressed out at Assmannshausen; the other the straw-colored beverage that had made Hochheim famous.  These tanks were connected by pipes with the plain, unassuming fountain standing opposite the Town Hall in that square called the Romerberg.  The moment an election took place Herr Durnberg turned off the flow of water from the fountain, and turned on the flow of wine, thus for an hour and a half there poured from the northward pointing spout of the fountain the rich red wine of Assmannshausen, and from the southern spout the delicate white wine of Hochheim.  Now, wine will keep for a long time, but a dinner will not, so the distracted Durnberg prepared banquet after banquet for which there were no consumers.

At last, thought Herr Durnberg, his vigilance was about to be rewarded.  There came up the broad, winding stair, to the landing on which opened the great doors of the Kaisersaal, two joyous-looking young people, evidently lovers, and with the hilt of his sword the youth knocked against the stout panels of the door.  It was Herr Durnberg himself who opened, and he said haughtily—­

“The Romer is closed, and will not be free to strangers until after the Election.”

“We enter, nevertheless.  I am Prince Roland, here to meet the Court of Electors, who convene at midday in the adjoining Wahlzimmer.  You, Romer-meister, will announce to their august Lordships that I am here, and, when their will is expressed, summon me to audience with them.”

Herr Durnberg bowed almost to the polished floor, and flinging open both doors, retreated backwards, still bent double as he implored them to enter.  Locking the doors, for the Electors would reach the Wahlzimmer through a private way, to be used by none but themselves, the bustling Durnberg produced two chairs, which he set by the windows in the front, and again running the risk of falling on his nose, bowed his distinguished visitors to seats where they might entertain themselves by watching the enormous crowd that filled the Romerberg from end to end, for every man in Frankfort knew an Election was impending, and it was after the banquet, when the wine began to flow in the fountain, that the new Emperor exhibited himself to his people by stepping from the Kaisersaal out upon the balcony in front of it.

“Do you feel any shyness about meeting this formidable conclave?  Remember you have at least two good friends among them.”

The girl placed her hand in his, and looked affectionately upon him.

“When you are with me, Roland, I am afraid of nothing.”

Project Gutenberg
The Sword Maker from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.