A Daughter of the Snows eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 335 pages of information about A Daughter of the Snows.

A Daughter of the Snows eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 335 pages of information about A Daughter of the Snows.

Things went on after that as though nothing had happened; St. Vincent gave Bella a wide berth and seemed to have forgotten her existence.  But the Swedes went back to their end of the island, laughing at the trivial happening which was destined to be significant.


Spring, smiting with soft, warm hands, had come like a miracle, and now lingered for a dreamy spell before bursting into full-blown summer.  The snow had left the bottoms and valleys and nestled only on the north slopes of the ice-scarred ridges.  The glacial drip was already in evidence, and every creek in roaring spate.  Each day the sun rose earlier and stayed later.  It was now chill day by three o’clock and mellow twilight at nine.  Soon a golden circle would be drawn around the sky, and deep midnight become bright as high noon.  The willows and aspens had long since budded, and were now decking themselves in liveries of fresh young green, and the sap was rising in the pines.

Mother nature had heaved her waking sigh and gone about her brief business.  Crickets sang of nights in the stilly cabins, and in the sunshine mosquitoes crept from out hollow logs and snug crevices among the rocks,—­big, noisy, harmless fellows, that had procreated the year gone, lain frozen through the winter, and were now rejuvenated to buzz through swift senility to second death.  All sorts of creeping, crawling, fluttering life came forth from the warming earth and hastened to mature, reproduce, and cease.  Just a breath of balmy air, and then the long cold frost again—­ah! they knew it well and lost no time.  Sand martins were driving their ancient tunnels into the soft clay banks, and robins singing on the spruce-garbed islands.  Overhead the woodpecker knocked insistently, and in the forest depths the partridge boom-boomed and strutted in virile glory.

But in all this nervous haste the Yukon took no part.  For many a thousand miles it lay cold, unsmiling, dead.  Wild fowl, driving up from the south in wind-jamming wedges, halted, looked vainly for open water, and quested dauntlessly on into the north.  From bank to bank stretched the savage ice.  Here and there the water burst through and flooded over, but in the chill nights froze solidly as ever.  Tradition has it that of old time the Yukon lay unbroken through three long summers, and on the face of it there be traditions less easy of belief.

So summer waited for open water, and the tardy Yukon took to stretching of days and cracking its stiff joints.  Now an air-hole ate into the ice, and ate and ate; or a fissure formed, and grew, and failed to freeze again.  Then the ice ripped from the shore and uprose bodily a yard.  But still the river was loth to loose its grip.  It was a slow travail, and man, used to nursing nature with pigmy skill, able to burst waterspouts and harness waterfalls, could avail nothing against the billions of frigid tons which refused to run down the hill to Bering Sea.

Project Gutenberg
A Daughter of the Snows from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.