partly also Hippomenes running for the Mastery with
Atalanta, and staying her Course, and so overcoming
her with three Golden Apples, the Gifts of Venus;
partly also the Aurora of Cephalus, partly also Romulus
transformed by Jupiter into a God; partly also the
Soul of Julius Caesar, by the Goddess Venus, transfigured
into a Comet, and placed among the Stars; partly
also Python, Juno’s Serpent, arising out of
the putrid Earth (after Deucalions Flood) made hot
by the Rayes of the Sun; partly also the Fire, with
which Medea kindled seven Lights; partly also the
Moon, inflamed by the burning of Phaeton; partly also
the Withered Olive Branch, a new; flourishing and
bearing Fruit; yea, becoming a new and tender Olive
Tree; partly also Arcadia, where Jupiter was wont
to walk; partly also the Habitation of Pluto, at
the Gate whereof lay the Three-headed Cerberus; &
also partly that Mountain, where Hercules burned
all his Members, received from the Mother, upon Wood,
but the Parts of the Father remained Fixed, and incombustible
in Fire, and nothing of his Life was destroyed, but
he, at length, was transmuted into a God. Likewise
we will not forget those Germans, the Sons of true
Philosophers, who entred into a Country-house, at
length transformed into a Temple, whose Covering
was made of pure Gold. Certainly, I cannot choose,
but must yet once more with acclamation, say with
the Adept: O happy, and thrice happy is that
Artificer, who by the most merciful benediction of
the highest, Jehovah pursues the Art of Confecting,
and preparing that (as it were, Divine) Salt, by the
Efficacious Operation of which, a Metallick, or Mineral
body, is corrupted, destroyed, and dyes; yet the
Soul thereof is in the mean while revived, to a glorious
Resurrection of a Philosophick Body. Yea, I
say, most happy is the Son of that man, who, by his
Prayers, obtains this Art of Arts, unto the glory
of god. For it is most certain, that this
Mystery can be known no other way, unless it be drawn
and imbibed from god, the Fountain of Fountains.
Therefore, let every serious Lover of this inestimable
Art judge, that the whole work of him required, is,
that he constantly, with the prayer of true faith,
in all his labour, implore and solicite the Divine
Grace of the Holy Spirit. For the solemn manner
of god alone is, candidly and liberally, either
mediately or immediately, to communicate his gifts
and benefits, to none, unless to candid and liberal
Ingenies only. In this holy way of practical
Piety, all Inquisitors of profound Arts, find what
they seek, when they, in their work, exercise themselves
Theosophically by solitary Colloquies with Jehovah,
with a pure Heart and Mouth, religiously. For
the Heavenly Sophia, indeed, willingly embraces our
friendship, presenting, and offering to us, her inexhaustible
Rivolets, most full of gracious goodness and benevolence.
But, happy is he, to whom the Royal way, in which
he is to walk, shall be shown by some One expert in
this Arcanum.