The Golden Calf, Which the World Adores, and Desires eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 66 pages of information about The Golden Calf, Which the World Adores, and Desires.

The Golden Calf, Which the World Adores, and Desires eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 66 pages of information about The Golden Calf, Which the World Adores, and Desires.
continue and remain, unto the Consummation of all ages, without diminution, although this art be not yet known to all Mortals.  For the Adept Philosophers, according to the antient Faith of their experience, have affirmed, that this Natural Mystery (which many anxious men have sinistrously sought, and required) is only to be found with Jehovah, Saturninely placed in the Centre of the World.  In the mean while, we proclaim those happy, who take care, by the help of art, how they may wash this Philosophick Queen, or how they ought to circulate the Virgin-Catholick-Earth, in Physico-Magical Crystalline Artifice, as Khunradus. did; they only, and none others besides them, shall see the Crowned, and internally fiery King of Philosophers, coming forth from his Glassy Sepulchre, in an external fiery Body glorified, more then perfect with all the Colours in the world, as a shining Carbuncle, or perspicuous, compact and ponderous Crystal, a Salamander Spewing out Waters, and by the benefit thereof in the Fire washing Leprous Metals, as I my self have seen.  What?  How shall they see the Abyss of the Spagyrick Art? when as this Royal Art hath so long lain hid, and been absconded in the Mineral Kingdom, as in the Safest of all Secret places, for so very many years?  Assuredly the Genuine Sons of this Laudable Art, shall not only behold a like Flood of Numicius, in which AEneas heretofore, by the command of Venus, washed and absolved from his Immortality, was immediately transformed into an immortal God; but also the Lydian River of Pactolus all transmuted into Gold, and how Midas Mygdonius washed himself in the same.  Likewise those candid Rivals of this Art, shall in a serious order behold the Bathing-place of naked Diana, the Fountain of Narcissus and Scylla walking in the Sea, without garments, by reason of the most fervent Rayes of Sol:  partly also the Blood of Pyramus and Thisbe, of it self collected, by the help of which, white Mulberries are tinged into Red; partly also the Blood of Adonis, by the descending Goddess Venus transformed into a Rose of Anemona; partly likewise the Blood of Ajax, from which arose that most beautiful flower the Violet; partly also the Blood of the Giants slain by Jupiters thunder-bolt; partly also the Shed Tears of Althea, when she put off her Golden Vestments; and partly the Drops, which fell from the decocted Water of Medea, by which green things immediatly sprang out of the Earth; partly also the cocted Potion of Medea, made of various Herbs, gathered always three dayes before full Moon, for the cure of Jasons aged Father; partly also those Leaves, by the tast of which, the nature of Gaucus was changed into Neptune; partly also the Exprest Juice of Jason, by the benefit of which, he, in the Land of Cholcons, received the Golden Fleece, afterward by reason of that, compleatly armed, he fought in the Feild of Mars, not without the hazard of Life; partly also the Garden of the Hesperides, where Golden Apples may be gathered from the Trees;
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The Golden Calf, Which the World Adores, and Desires from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.