He having related these things,
I ceased not to enquire of him, to
what end he had instanced this?
Whether the Potion was Philosophick?
To this, he answered, You
must not be so curious.
Afterward, he told me, how he, by the command of that Laudable Artist his Master, took a piece of the Leaden gutter of his house, and when the Lead was melted in a now Crucible, the said Artist drew out off his pocket a Gasket full of Sulphureous Powder, of which, he took a very small part upon the point of a knife, once, and again, and injected the same; upon the Lead in Flux; presently. giving order, that the fire should be blown with two pair of Bellows strongly, for exciting the heat more vehemently; a little after he powred out of the crucible, most pure Gold, upon the Red stones, which were in the Kitchen. I (said this most pleasing discourser to me) did commodiously behold this verity of the Transmutation of Metals, but was so astonished with fear and admiration, that I was Scarcely able to speak one word; But my Master heartning me, said; Cheer, up and be contented: take for your self a sixteenth part of this Mass, which keep For a Memorandum; but the other fifteen parts distribute to the poor: and I did as he said. For, (if my memory deceive me not) he bestowed this exceeding great Alms, on the Sparrendamen Church; but whether, he gave it at distinct times Or not, or whether he told it down in the Substance of Gold, or of Silver, I asked him not.
And at length (saith he speaking of his Master) he directly taught me this great divine Art.