Tragic Sense Of Life eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 423 pages of information about Tragic Sense Of Life.

Tragic Sense Of Life eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 423 pages of information about Tragic Sense Of Life.
Schleiermacher, 89, 156, 217
Schopenhauer, 146, 147, 247
Seeberg, Reinold, 188
Senancour, 43, 47, 260, 263, 299
Seneca, 231, 313
Seuse, Heinrich, 75, 289
Shakespeare, 39
Socrates, 29, 143, 145
Solon, 17
Soloviev, 95
Spencer, Herbert, 89, 124, 238, 253
Spener, 253
Spinoza, Benedict, 6, 7, 22, 24, 31, 38, 40, 89, 97-99, 101, 208, 234,
Stanley, Dean, 91
Stendhal, 311
Stirmer, Max, 29
Suarez, 312
Swedenborg, 153, 221, 225

Tacitus, 56, 94, 142, 216, 306
Tauler, 289
Tennyson, Lord, 33, 103
Tertullian, 74, 94, 104
Thales of Miletus, 143, 317
Thome de Jesus, 283
Tolstoi, 328
Troeltsch, Ernst, 70, 112

Velasquez, 70
Vico, Giovanni Baptista, 142, 143
Vinet, A., 93, 113, 160
Virchow, 95
Virgil, 249
Vives, Luis, 313
Vogt, 95

Walpole, Horace, 315
Weizsaecker, 62, 77
Wells, H.G., 265
Whitman, Walt, 125
Windelband, 267, 316, 317

Xenophon, 29, 143

Project Gutenberg
Tragic Sense Of Life from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.