Tragic Sense Of Life eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 423 pages of information about Tragic Sense Of Life.

Tragic Sense Of Life eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 423 pages of information about Tragic Sense Of Life.

Eckhart, 289
Empedocles, 61
Erasmus, 112, 301
Erigena, 160, 167

Fenelon, 224
Fichte, 8, 29
Flaubert, 94, 219
Fouillee, 261
Fourier, 278
Francesco de Sanctis, 220
Francke, August, 120
Franklin, 248

Galileo, 72, 267, 302
Ganivet, Angel, 313
de Gaultier, Jules, 328
Goethe, 218, 264, 288, 299, 309
Gounod, 56
Gratry, Pere, 236

Haeckel, 95
Harnack, 59, 64, 65, 69, 75
Hartmann, 146
Hegel, 5, 111, 170, 294, 309, 310
Heraclitus, 165
Hermann, 69, 70, 77, 165, 217
Herodotus, 140
Hippocrates, 143
Hodgson, S.H., 30
Holberg, 109
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 257, 311
Hume, David, 79, 86, 104, 310
Hume, Martin A.S., 312
Huntingdon, A.M., 298

James, William, 5, 81, 86
Jansen, 121
Juan de los Angeles, 1, 207, 286
Juan de la Cruz, 67, 289, 293
Justin Martyr, 63

Kaftan, 68, 222
Kant, Immanuel, 3, 4, 11, 13, 67, 68, 73, 79, 114, 143, 166, 294, 310,
    311, 317
a Kempis, 51, 99, 277
Kierkegaard, 3, 109, 115, 123, 153, 178, 198, 257, 287, 327
Krause, 294

Lactantius, 59, 74, 165, 169
Lamarck, 147
Lamennais, 74, 117, 165, 246
Laplace, 161
Leibnitz, 247
Leo XIII., 75
Leopardi, 44, 47, 123, 132, 240, 248
Le Roy, 73
Lessing, 229
Linnaeus, 1
Loisy, 72
Loyola, 122, 307, 314, 324
Loyson, Hyacinthe, 116
Lucretius, 94, 102
Luis de Leon, 289
Luther, 3, 121, 270, 294, 301

Mach, Dr. E., 114
Machado, Antonio, 241
Machiavelli, 296, 326, 328
de Maistre, Count Joseph, 74, 305
Malebranche, 63
Malon de Chaide, 66
Manrique, Jorge, 309
Marcus Aurelius, 315
Marlowe, Christopher, 299
Martins, Oliveira, 68
Mazzini, 153
Melanchthon, 69
Menendez de Pelayo, 313
Michelet, 45
Miguel de Molinos, 216, 219, 228
Mill, Stuart, 104, 310
Milton, 284
Moser, Johann Jacob, 252, 263
Myers, W.H., 88

Nietzsche, 50, 61, 100, 231, 239, 328
Nimesius, 59

Obermann, 11, 47, 259, 263, 268
Oetinger, Friedrich Christoph, 252, 253
Ordonez de Lara, 56
Origen, 245

Papini, 238
Pascal, 40, 45, 74, 262, 263
Petrarch, 327
Pfleiderer, 61
Pius IX., 72
Pizarro, 324
Plato, 38, 45, 48, 61, 90, 125, 143, 216, 217, 221, 292, 310
Pliny, 165
Plotinus, 209, 230, 243
Pohle, Joseph, 77
Pomponazzi, Pietro, 88

Renan, 51, 68
Ritschl, Albrecht, 68, 114, 121, 167, 238, 253, 263, 294
Robertson, F.W., 180
Robespierre, 41
Rohde, Erwin, 60, 61
Rousseau, 53, 263, 299, 310
Ruysbroek, 289

Saint Augustine, 74, 192, 247
Saint Bonaventura, 220
Saint Francis of Assissi, 52, 210
Saint Paul, 48, 49, 62, 94, 112, 188, 209, 225, 241, 253, 255, 270
Saint Teresa, 67, 75, 210, 226, 228, 289, 323
Saint Thomas Aquinas, 83, 92, 233
Salazar y Torres, 324

Project Gutenberg
Tragic Sense Of Life from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.