The Transgressors eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 268 pages of information about The Transgressors.

The Transgressors eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 268 pages of information about The Transgressors.

“We will separate to-night never to meet again in this life.

“If we are true to our purpose we will not have died in vain.”  Without formal partings the men leave the store-house.

Nevins is the last to depart; he draws the remaining slip.  It bears the name of “James Golding, Bond King; capital, $400,000,000; occupation, United States Treasury Looter.”


The Syndicate Declares a Dividend.



“You will soon find that my assertion was based on absolute knowledge, for your nomination will be unanimous,” Nevins declares to Trueman as they sit in private conference, on the eve of the Independence Party’s convention.

“Then you do not credit the statement that the Eastern delegations have become disaffected?”

“That’s only one of the rumors which the Plutocrats have set afloat since they unearthed the fact that you are to be a candidate for the vice-presidential nomination.  Gorman Purdy is the instigator of all these adverse stories.  He has not forgotten that you were once his most promising pupil.”

The President-maker and his intended candidate are in daily communication; they have become firmly attached to each other in the short period of their acquaintanceship.  This is not to be wondered at, for there is a striking similarity in their temperaments.  Each is endowed with keen perception and wonderful magnetism.  Their combined influence has brought to their support the most contumacious of the delegates.  On the issue of the following day the hopes of each are centered.  Nevins has asked his young champion to visit him at his rooms in an unpretentious hotel on Clark street; there are details for the work of the morrow that have to be carefully planned.

“In your speech you must dwell upon the causes which led to the formation of the new party,” Nevins explains.  “This must be done briefly; but it will pave the way for your demonstration that a new, a young man must be called upon to make the fight against the intrenched robbers.

“As you know, I have striven for ten years to bring about the present propitious circumstances; it has been an almost impossible task to get a convention of men who are susceptible of being made to nominate a young and untried man for so exalted an office.

“But all of the political conditions of the hour indicate that the bold proposal will be accepted.”

“I have caused a most thorough canvas of the delegates to be made,” says Trueman, “and they are almost unanimous in declaring that they will support me for the second place on the ticket.  When sounded on the proposition of voting for a young man for the head of the ticket, they demur.”

“That is just as I have planned matters should stand before the convening of the delegates,” replies Nevins, with a self-complacent smile.

Project Gutenberg
The Transgressors from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.