1339. PAY for continuous service is credited
a soldier if he enlists within three months after
honorable discharge.
For privates an increase of $3 per
month is allowed up to and
including the third enlistment, beyond this $1 per
month increase given up to and including the seventh
For non-commissioned officers the
increase of $3 per month continues
to and includes the seventh enlistment.
No increased pay is given after
the seventh enlistment to private or
non-commissioned officer.
1347. ALLOTMENTS (revised by Act of Congress,
October, 1917).
The new law does away with future
pensions. Allotments may be made to:
1. Family.
2. Bank.
For married men or those with dependents,
such as children, parents
divorced wives, whose support is required by court
order, allotments are compulsory, and must not be
less than $15 a month and not more than one-half of
his pay. The Company Commander is responsible
for finding who comes under this rule. By this
arrangement soldiers cannot shirk the support of dependents.
The government will double the amount
allotted by each soldier, to a
limit of $37.50 a month. In cases where the soldier
allots half of his pay the government will add to
the allotment according to the following scale, even
though it more than doubles the amount paid by the
Class A.
Wife, no child, $15.
Wife, one child, $25.
Wife, two children,
For each additional
child, $5 more.
No wife living, one
child, $5.
Two children, $12.50.
Three children, $20.
Four children, $30.
For each additional
child, $5.
Class B.
One parent, $10.
Two parents, $20.
Each grandchild, brother,
sister or additional dependent, $5.
Nurses can make allotment.
When both A and B classes are in need of allotment from a soldier’s pay, and he has allotted half of his pay to Class A, he may allot an additional one-seventh of his pay for the support of Class B dependents, and the government will pay the sums listed above to the Class B dependents, to the limit of $20 a month. Payments under this act were begun November 1, 1917. In case less than one-half of a soldier’s pay is allotted, the Secretary of War may require the allotment to be increased up to one-half of the pay.
COMPENSATION FOR DEATH OR DISABILITY in line of duty. In all cases must be applied for. In case of death, monthly compensation shall be as follows per month:
Widow, $25.
Widow and 1 child, $35.
Widow and 2 children,
Each additional child,
One child alone, $20.
Two children, $30.
Three children, $40.
Each additional child,
Widowed mother, $20.
For transportation of
body, $100.