F. Double Timing:
1. Double timing, change to quick time and halting. (92.)
G. Concluding Exercises:
1. Breathing exercise, raising and lowering arms sideward.
THIRD LESSON.—A disciplinary Exercises,
as in first lesson.
B. Starting Positions.
C. Setting-up Exercises:
1. Arms forward, 2.
Raise. Swing arms downward and sideward. (4
2. Hands on hips, 2. Place. Rise
on right and left toes,
alternatingly. (4 motions.) (46.)
3. Hands on hips, 2. Place. Bend
head forward and backward. (4
motions.) (38.)
4. Arms sideward, 2. Raise. Turn
trunk right and left. (4
motions.) (53.)
5. Hands on hips, 2. Place. Rise
on toes and full bend knees
slowly. (4 motions.) (39.)
6. Fingers in rear of head, 2. Place.
Bend trunk forward. (2
motions.) (42.)
7. Arms to thrust, 2. Raise.
Move shoulders forward, upward,
backward, and recover. (4 motions.)
8. Hands on shoulders, 2. Place.
Bend trunk sideward, right, and
left. (4 motions.) (37.)
9. From Attention. Stretch arms sideward,
upward, sideward, and
recover. (4 motions.)
10. Hands on shoulders, 2. Place.
Bend trunk backward. (2
motions.) (34.)
11. Hands on hips, 2 Place. Extend
right and left leg backward.
(2 motions.)
12. Breathing Exercise: Inhale, raising
arms forward, upward; and
exhale, lowering arms sideward, down.
D. Marching Exercises:
1. Marching in quick time,
raising knees. (89.)
2. Thrusting arms sideward.
E. Jumping Exercises:
1. Standing broad jump.
2. Three successive broad jumps.
F. Double Timing:
1. Double
timing. (92.)
2. Double
timing, marking time in the double and forward.
3. Double
timing and halting from the double.
G. Gymnastic Contests. Two
of these games should be included in
each lesson.
See pp. 39-40.
H. Concluding Exercises:
1. Breathing exercise, as in 12.
FOURTH LESSON.—A. Disciplinary Exercises,
as in first lesson.
B. Starting Positions.
C. Setting-up Exercises:
1. Hands on shoulders, 2.
Place. Extend arms forward; swing
sideward, forward, and recover. (4 motions.)
2. Hands on hips, 2. Place. Rise
on toes quickly. (2 motions.)
3. Hands on hips, 2. Place. Turn
head right and left. (4
motions.) (41.)
4. Arms upward, 2. Raise. Turn
trunk right and left. (4
5. Hands on hips, 2. Place. Half
bend knees, quickly. (2
motions.) (35.)
6. Arms sideward, 2. Raise. Bend
trunk forward. (2 motions.)
7. Hands on shoulders, 2. Place.
Move elbows forward, and
stretch backward. (2 motions.) (45.)
8. Arms upward, 2. Raise. Bend
trunk sideward, right and left.
(4 motions.)
9. From Attention. Stretch, arms forward,