Military Instructors Manual eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 372 pages of information about Military Instructors Manual.

Military Instructors Manual eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 372 pages of information about Military Instructors Manual.

LEFT SHOULDER, ARMS.—­Right hand in next to last position grasps small of stock.

PARADE, REST.—­Left hand grasps piece just below stacking swivel.  Right foot straight back 6 inches.

TRAIL, ARMS.—­Piece at angle of about 30 degrees, about 3 inches off the ground.

RIFLE SALUTE.—­Left forearm horizontal.

FIX BAYONET.—­Parade Rest and resume order after bayonet is fixed.

UNFIX BAYONET.—­Parade Rest and resume order after bayonet is unfixed.

INSPECTION ARMS.—­Be sure men glance down in chamber and keep hold of bolt handle.

Parade, Rest can be executed only from order arms, and the command
Attention follows Parade, Rest.

Any movement not in the manual, e.g., Right, Face, breaks the execution of movements by the numbers.  The number of counts in the execution of each command must be remembered.

Distinguish between raise and carry and throw.

School of the Squad.

OBJECT.—­To give basic element, the squad, its first lesson in team work.

Team work wins battles just as it does football games.

Avoid keeping men too long at the same movement.

COMPOSITION OF SQUAD.—­7 men and a corporal.  Never less than 6 nor more than 11 men.

FALL IN.—­Instructor 3 paces in front of where center is to be.

FALL OUT.—­If under arms, always preceded by Inspection Arms.  Does not mean dismissed.

COUNT OFF.—­Right file front and rear do not execute eyes right.  Front and rear rank men count off together.


      (1) Company Commander must establish base file or files before
          giving the command Right Dress.
      (2) Right flank men remain facing to front.
      (3) Be sure first four men are on desired line and rest of
          company can easily be made to conform.
      (4) Right guide may be established at any point desired and at
          command Right Dress all march to their proper positions
          without other command, and at the trail.
      (5) Have men beyond base files step forward until one pace
          beyond where new line is to be and then dress back on line

GUIDE RIGHT.—­Keep head and eyes off the ground.  Close in or open out gradually.

TAKE INTERVAL, TO THE RIGHT, MARCH, SQUAD, HALT.—­(At command “To the Right”) Rear rank falls back 60 inches.  At March, all face to right and leading man of each rank steps off, followed by the others at four-pace intervals, rear-rank men marching abreast of their file leaders.  When halted all face to the front.


TAKE DISTANCE, MARCH.—­1-2-3-4 front rank, 1-2-3-4 rear rank, 4-pace intervals.  Guide in each four is right.

ASSEMBLE, MARCH.—­No. 1, Front rank stands fast.

Project Gutenberg
Military Instructors Manual from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.