The Sable Cloud eBook

Nehemiah Adams
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 300 pages of information about The Sable Cloud.

The Sable Cloud eBook

Nehemiah Adams
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 300 pages of information about The Sable Cloud.
it being apparent that our agony for the slave cannot be satisfied except by his liberation, or by the forcible subjection to us of all who oppose it.  And we do hereby request all the friends of freedom now travelling in despotic countries to make inquiry as to the most approved methods of persuading the mind by appeals to it through the sensibilities of the flesh, and to be prepared with this information against the time when the sublime march of abolition philanthropy shall arrive at the limits of forbearance with all the Northern advocates of oppression.


Whereas no one who holds slaves can be a Christian; and whereas Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob were slave-holders, Abraham himself having owned more slaves than any Southerner; and whereas a synonyme of heaven, in the New Testament, is “Abraham’s bosom;” and whereas no true friend of freedom can consistently have Christian communion with slave-holders,

Resolved, That we look with deep interest to the introduction among us of the principles of the Hindoo philosophy and religion (including the transmigration of souls), through tentative articles in our magazines; by which there is opening to us a way of escape from that heaven one exponent of which is, to lie in the bosom of a slave-holder.


And in conclusion,

Be it Resolved, That Bunker Hill was since Mount Sinai, that Faneuil Hall is far in advance of the Tabernacle in the Wilderness; and that our anti-slavery literature is immeasurably beyond epistles to Philemon and other inspired pro-slavery tracts.



  “No haughty gesture marks his gait,
  No pompous tone his word;
  No studied attitude is seen,
  No palling nonsense heard;
  He’ll suit his bearing to the hour,
  Laugh, listen, learn, or teach. 
  With joyous freedom in his mirth,
  And candor in his speech.”—­ELIZA COOK.

[My friend, A. Freeman North, having read the foregoing, returned it with a hasty note, in pencil, saying, “Please send me the Aunt’s reply, if you have it, or can procure it.”  I accordingly sent it, and we have it here.]


Your letter came while we had gone into the country for a fortnight.  Hattie is much improved, and I trust will soon be well.  I gave her your letter to read.  She told me that she could not find it in her heart to wonder at you for it; for once she should probably have written very much in the same strain.

It was Easter Monday afternoon when our steamboat reached the wharf.  We took an open carriage and drove toward the hotel.  As we reached the centre of the city, the place seemed to be full of colored people, who evidently had just come out of their meeting-houses.  This was our first view of the blacks.  Our driver had to stop frequently while they were crossing the streets, and we had full opportunity to enjoy the sight.  Hattie exclaimed, after looking at them a few moments,—­

Project Gutenberg
The Sable Cloud from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.