Science 369;
and Religion 82, 201;
and Farmers 158;
Scientific truth 206;
Scientists 100
Scolding 149
Scotland 290, 358
Scott San no Okusan (Mrs. Scott) v
Screen over streets 209
Sculpture 102
Scythe 196, 367, 385
Sea 108, 332;
Beach sleeping 312;
Deities and 257;
Gains from 207;
Weed 43, 128, 349
Seals 25
Seats 124
Secondary Industries 23, 65, 195, 232, 251, 279, 310, 379, 385
Secret Ploughing Society 311
Sects, see under names of; 149, 212
Seeds, Better, 85, 370;
“Seed” (silkworm eggs), see
Seiho, Takeuchi 344
Sei-ko U-doku 310
Seishu 396
Self affirmation 101;
Command 280;
Control 16, 151, 157, 193;
Denial 101;
Discipline 301;
Government 236;
Realisation 101, 124, 125;
Respect 16, 369;
Self supporting but underfed 261
Self Help, see Hokkaido; 60, 288
Semi 344
Semi-official 276
Sencha 294, 403
Sendai 118, 198, 268
Seniors and juniors 216
Sensei 12, 202, 300
Sentiment 182, 203;
Latent 324
Seppuku 54-5, 333
Sericulture, see Factories (Silk), Industry, Silk
140, 237, 264-5;
Advantage to Farmers 85;
Aptitude 153;
Beef tea 158;
Books for young men 22;
Ceremonies 50;
Cocoons 87, 150, 160, 404,
(Co-operation 22,
Killing 22, 159,
Production and price 397,
Retardation and Stimulation
Shape 155,
Stores 147,
Where most are produced 153;)
Co-operation 160;
Disease 157-8;
Eggs 150, 153-4, 156-7, 160;
Feeding 153;
Girl Collectors 161;
Hatching 154, 397-8;
Hard work 153;
How sericulture districts are distinguishable
Instruction, capacity for, 158;
Japan’s advantages and disadvantages
Licences 157;
Losses 155;
Mating 155-6;
Microscopic examination 157;
Moths 155-6-7;
Mulberry 157, 397-8;
Nagano 161;
New thing 158;
Prices 157;
Purification 158;
Pupae 158;
Rearing 154;
Risks 157;
Season 397;
“Seed,” see Eggs; Prospects
of, 160;
Quick profits 149;
Silkworms, 22, 89, 158, 278;
Science 157-8;
Soap 158;
Students 158;
Temperature 153;
Wind holes 397;
Yamanashi 161.
—Silk 158, 160;
Artificial 160;
Clothing 346, 356;
Consumption 398;
Export 398;
Government 398;
Institutes 150;
Japanese export compared with
other countries 153, 396;
Machinery 159;
Prefectures in which grown
Production 398;
Rise in prices 87;
Testing 159;
U.S.A. 398;
World market 65