Rosebery, Lord, 9
Rotation 309
Rothamsted 370
Route plans 18
Rubbish, Production of, 369
Ruddigore 274
Running about 34
Rural, and urban population compared, 364, 412;
“Bondage” 331;
Districts’ relation to national
welfare 369, 370-1;
Exodus 284;
Life, Most difficult question in Japan,
Exhibition 60;
Aim of Progress 27;
Rake’s progress 60;
Sociology iv, ix, 85, 192
Rush, see I, 410
Russia, see Hokkaido; 194, 328;
Cruiser 248;
Novelists 99;
Prisoners 307;
War 85, 187, 286, 311;
Writers 327
Rye 381 (2)
Sacred boat 257;
Grove 146;
Sacredness of work 94
Sacrifice 101;
for father, husband, children, 102
Sacrilege 134
Saddles 269
Sages 108
Saghalien 290, 336, 390-1
Saigon, see Rice
Sailing craft 208-9;
Ships 235
Sailors 211
Sails, Western for Japanese, 208
St. Francis 106, 321-2
Saints 107
Saitama 107, 146, 309, 313
Sakaki 137
Sake, see Drunkenness; 18, 46, 57, 79, 116 (2), 118-9,
136, 180, 184,
213, 215, 254-5, 267, 271, 303, 305, 313,
349 (2), 380, 396
Salads dangerous 350
Sale, C.V., xii, 364
Salt 36, 251, 268, 349
Salvation Army, see Hokkaido
Samurai 25, 53, 92, 141, 238, 243, 319, 395;
Scholar’s kakemono 150
Sanitary Committee 123
Sanitation, Western 375
Sanka 110
Sappy growth 368
Sato, Dr., see Hokkaido; 386
Savages 141
Savings 302;
Bank book 126;
Collected 230
Saxby 167
Sayings, see Proverbs
Scale 289
Scandinavia 413
Scapegoat 212
Scarecrows 198
Scenery 119, 152;
Characteristic 244
Schools, see Children, Teachers, Schoolmasters; 15,
41, 113, 144, 212;
Agricultural 50, 375;
Influence of 57;
Attendance 112, 123, 264;
Barefoot drill 64;
Boys 38;
Boys’ badges 221;
Buildings 112-3;
Care of 112;
Children (Heights, weights and physique)
Cleaned by children 112;
Compulsory attendance 113;
Co-operative 30;
Counsels 112, 124;
Early age of attendance 301;
Ethics 361;
Farm 127, 177;
Fees 239, 264, 314;
For girls’ 47;
Girls’ badge 285;
Influence of 118;
Masters, see Teachers, 20, 57, 61, 118,
Maps 127;
Military relics 286;
Morality 149;
Mottoes 112, 124;
Order 127;
Poor 325;
Portraits 124;
Pride in 112;
Punishments 112, 178;
Rainy days 185;
in temple 137;
Truants 285;
Shrines 113;
Salutes 286;
Spartan conditions 50, 307;
Swedish drill 64;
Training 169;
Tree planting 121;
Vacation for helping with crops 127;
Winter arrangements 127