Mattocks, see Paddies; 97, 285, 385;
Wealth and 136
Meadow 409
Meals 34, 323
Meanness punished 266
Meat 130, 133, 346, 348, 349, 350, 356-7, 368, 379,
380, 406;
and Good Temper 268
Mechanical power 370, 412
Medals 123
Medicine 248, 268, 374, 379, 380
Meetings, see Public meetings; 63, 238, 254
Meiji, Emperor, 39, 142
Melbourne 167
Melons 146, 150
Memoirs of the Queen’s First Prime Minister 170
Memorial stones 41, 51-2, 67, 311;
Services 271;
Days 50
Mental attitude 254;
nimbleness 17
Mercantile Marine 332;
Farmer and ix
Mercenary spirit 2, 12
Merciful universe 323;
“Mercy of the sun” 321
Meredith 90, 182, 219, 226, 235
Merits 25
Mesopotamia 371
Metal 126;
Mines story xi
Metaphysical, Not, 258
Metayer system 45, 207
Methodist 141
Mice and bamboo 108
Middle Ages 84, 317
Middle School boys 151, 255, 284, 404
Middle men 38
Midwives 123, 241, 264, 282, 399
Migration 264, 364
Mikawa 84
Militarism 104, 233, 240, 328, 360;
Military service, see Conscription, 220;
Training 151, 282, 285
Milk, see Hokkaido; 110, 116, 128, 130, 150 (2), 235,
345, 347-349, 381 (2);
Foster mother 311
Millet, see Hokkaido 103, 131, 195-6 (2), 213, 219,
227, 264,
383, 389, 409, 411
Mimetic skill, 192
Minds, 27, 151, 226
Minerals, see also Hokkaido; 284, 396
Ming 106
Ministers and Ministries of Agriculture 24, 378, 385,
390, 397, 403,
of Health and Education (British) 371;
of Finance 414;
of Railways 403;
of State, Income of, 373;
Ministers, ex- 241
Mirror 178
Mirin 396
Misapprehensions, International, 363
Miser 59
Misfortune 187, 201;
and Religion, 63
Miso 6, 81, 123, 151, 191-2, 196, 321, 349 (2), 350
Missionaries 7, 59, 143, 197
Mitsubishi, see Labour
Mitsumata 401
“Mixing in the heart” 135
Miyagi 189, 197
Miyajima 236
Mobilisation 241
Mochi 69, 272
Modesty 317
Mogusa 179
Momi 79
Mon 188
Monday 126
Money: Etiquette 148;
Cheap 176, 184, 364;
Need of 66, 370;
Moneylenders, see Usury, 150, 282, 364;
Money-sharing Club, see Ko, tanomoshi
Mongolia 357, 363 (2), 394
Monkey, see Hokkaido; 110, 129, 248;
Monkey day 126;
“Monkey slip” 246