“Feed them well” 341;
Fisheries 335, 337;
Floods 342;
Flour mills 336;
Food 341;
Foreign practice 336;
Forestry 337;
Forest fires 342;
French 336;
“Getting on” 360;
Germans 336, 341;
Grouse 336;
Immigrants 337, 339, 340, 341, 359;
Grass 341;
Hakadate 334;
Hay 343;
Horses 338, 341;
Houses 334;
Hunting 335;
Huts 341;
Imperial household 335-6, 360,
Rescript 336;
Immigration into island, 360, 414;
Industry 337;
Influence on Old Japan 334, 361;
Ko 341;
Kuroda 336;
Labour difficulties 337-8,
Land scandals 359,
Not available 360,
System 359;
Licensed Quarters, see Brothel;
Manitoba 337;
Maize 336-7;
Milk 338;
Millet 338;
Mining 337;
Moneylenders 340;
Money wanted 359;
Monkeys 336;
Mortgage 340;
Nitobe, Dr., 336;
Oats 337;
Oxen 339;
Peat 338;
Peppermint 339;
Pheasants 336;
Pigs 339, 343;
Population 335, 360, 414;
Potato, see Starch;
Prostitutes 360;
Railway 341, 360;
Religion 340;
Residuum 341, 359;
Rice 337-8, 341;
Rivers 338, 342;
Roads 338, 341, 360;
Riding 339;
Russians 335-6;
Rye 337;
Sake 340;
Salisbury, Lord, 359;
Salvation Army 340;
Sapporo, 343-4 (2), 337-8, 391;
Sato, Dr., 336;
Scenery 342;
Self-binders 343;
Self-help 341;
Sheep 343, 347, 352-3-4;
Silo 336;
Stock-keeping 343, 347;
shochu 340;
Shrine 339;
Slesvig 341;
Snow 341, 347;
“Social question” 341;
Soldier colony 336;
“Sordid” 360;
Stallion 340;
Starch factory 339;
Stimulating and free 361;
Streets 334;
Sugar-beet factories 336;
Taxation 414;
Temples 339;
Tenants 339;
Tolstoy 341;
Tomeoka 341;
Trees 338, 342;
Uchimura 336;
Ugliness 342;
University 336, 360;
Value of land 402;
Volcanoes 334, 343, 390;
Wagon storage 340;
“Whoa” 334;
Windows 334;
Wolves 337;
Wood pulp 337;
Yezo 335
Fisheries 335, 337;
Floods 342;
Flour mills 336;
Food 341;
Foreign practice 336;
Forestry 337;
Forest fires 342;
French 336;
“Getting on” 360;
Germans 336, 341;
Grouse 336;
Immigrants 337, 339, 340, 341, 359;
Grass 341;
Hakadate 334;
Hay 343;
Horses 338, 341;
Houses 334;
Hunting 335;
Huts 341;
Imperial household 335-6, 360,
Rescript 336;
Immigration into island, 360, 414;
Industry 337;
Influence on Old Japan 334, 361;
Ko 341;
Kuroda 336;
Labour difficulties 337-8,
Land scandals 359,
Not available 360,
System 359;
Licensed Quarters, see Brothel;
Manitoba 337;
Maize 336-7;
Milk 338;
Millet 338;
Mining 337;
Moneylenders 340;
Money wanted 359;
Monkeys 336;
Mortgage 340;
Nitobe, Dr., 336;
Oats 337;
Oxen 339;
Peat 338;
Peppermint 339;
Pheasants 336;
Pigs 339, 343;
Population 335, 360, 414;
Potato, see Starch;
Prostitutes 360;
Railway 341, 360;
Religion 340;
Residuum 341, 359;
Rice 337-8, 341;
Rivers 338, 342;
Roads 338, 341, 360;
Riding 339;
Russians 335-6;
Rye 337;
Sake 340;
Salisbury, Lord, 359;
Salvation Army 340;
Sapporo, 343-4 (2), 337-8, 391;
Sato, Dr., 336;
Scenery 342;
Self-binders 343;
Self-help 341;
Sheep 343, 347, 352-3-4;
Silo 336;
Stock-keeping 343, 347;
shochu 340;
Shrine 339;
Slesvig 341;
Snow 341, 347;
“Social question” 341;
Soldier colony 336;
“Sordid” 360;
Stallion 340;
Starch factory 339;
Stimulating and free 361;
Streets 334;
Sugar-beet factories 336;
Taxation 414;
Temples 339;
Tenants 339;
Tolstoy 341;
Tomeoka 341;
Trees 338, 342;
Uchimura 336;
Ugliness 342;
University 336, 360;
Value of land 402;
Volcanoes 334, 343, 390;
Wagon storage 340;
“Whoa” 334;
Windows 334;
Wolves 337;
Wood pulp 337;
Yezo 335
Hokke 134
Hokku 107
Hokora 134, 144
Hokusai 344
Holidays 128, 278, 377;
Cheap 123, 190;
To cattle 256
Holiness, Theoretical and practical, 256
Holland, see Dutch; ix, 121, 368
Hollyhocks 39
Home Office 24, 133, 345;
Home training 149
Homma 186, 188, 380
Hon 334
Hondo, see Honshu
Honesty 140, 145, 277
“Honourable first-class passengers” 218
Honours, 187
Honshu 334, 390-1-2, 402
Hoops 221
Hopes for the future 361