Hand-claps 45-6, 319;
Hands 153
Handicrafts, Japanese and British, 317
Hantsukimai 79
Haori 16, 315, 356
Happiness 109, 261;
God of, 267
Harakiri, see Seppuku, 55
Hara (prairie) 68
Hara, Professor, 413 (2)
Hard work, or better, 64
Hare 278;
Day 126
Harmoniums 276
Harp 83
Harvest, see Paddy, 50;
Gods and, 83
Hasegawa, Tokaku, 344
Hashi 81
Hata 68;
Hatake 68
Hats 74, 76, 83, 129, 198, 284
Hawaii 388
Hawker: beggar 248
Hayashi, Baron, xv
Haze 392
Headhunters 96
Headman, see Blind Headman, 54, 56, 121, 126, 133,
140, 189, 241, 250;
and Officials 21;
Loochoos 236
Health, see Bureau of Hygiene, Invalids, Physique,
50, 53, 80, 180, 268, 308, 368, 375, 398,
Hearn, Lafcadio, viii, 141, 237, 253, 344
Hearts 25, 27
Heat, 125, 147, 261, 307
“Heathen” 96, 98, 99, 326
Heather 290
Heaven 23, 183;
“Heavenly punishment” 298
Hebrew prophets 95
Height 17, 404-5
Heimin 400
Hell 109
Hemp 409
Henley, W.E., 40, 80
Hens, Pensions for, 345
“Here the Emperor beheld,” etc. 39
Herring blessed 82
Hibachi 153, 297, 374
“Hided himself” 29
Highways, Ancient, 144
Hills 390;
Artificial 210
Hills removed 299
Hindus 203
Hinoki 221, 394
Hiroshima 207, 236, 402
History: Cannot be repeated 363;
of England 167;
of the “Southern Savage” 208
Hiye 387, 389
Hoes, see Paddy
Hokkaido xxv, 89 (2), 195, 197, 222-3, 249, 332, 363,
Agricultural college, 336;
American supplies and influence 334(2)-5-6
Apples 337;
Ashigawa 338;
Ainu 336;
Alcohol factory 339;
Askov 341;
Basha 338, 340;
Bear 337;
Beer 337;
“Best bits” 359;
Beauty 361;
Brewing 335-6-7;
Britons 336;
Brothels 360;
Buckwheat 338, 341;
Budget cut down 359;
Buggies 334;
Canning 336-7;
Cattle 343;
Christians 340;
Climate 337;
Collies 343;
Cooperation 339, 341;
Countryside 342;
Credit 360;
Cossack farming 336;
Dairymaid 343;
Danish songs 341;
Development, 335, 358-9, 360, 414;
Drainage 338;
Dutch 336;
Education 359;
Elms 336;
Farms, Area, 239, 337-8;
Mixed, milk, meat, 338, 343,
Profits 340, 380-1-2;
Official farms 343,
Farms, large, 338;