Glass, Box for broken, 126
Globe 276
“Glory of the Morning” 121
Go (measure) 119;
Go (chess) 142, 214-5
Goats 264, 321, 347, 406
Godown 185, 376
Gods 21, 80, 82, 202-3-4, 244, 251;
of Agriculture 145;
calling down 83;
Christian view of 83;
“God damn all foreigners”
of Fire 261;
of Happiness 267;
of Horses 26;
“If one shall give to God”
Respect for 45;
and Sea 257;
“God second” 271;
Sirens and guns 237
Gogh, Van, 98
Gohai 134, 144, 185, 318
Gohan 79
Goitre 268
Gold 124, 396;
Story 5
Golden Bough, The, 192, 331
Goldsmith, Oliver, 146
Gong 272, 310
Gonorrhoea 300
Doing 26;
Fellowship 16;
Humour 217;
“Good people are not sufficiently
precautious” 8;
Resolutions, Black and red balls for,
“Good wives and good mothers”
Good Shepherd 127;
Goodness, Causes of, 67, 149
Goods, not up to sample, 354
Gosen 132
Gospel 94, 97
Gourds 221
Feeling towards, 63;
Granary 86
Governors 21, 39, 84, 152, 179, 198, 200, 202-3, 238,
259, 328, 352,
361, 370, 373;
Ex- 241
Goya 103
Graduation tax 21
“Grafting, Thinking,” 136
Grain 307, 349;
and wood crops 309
Granary 86
Grandfather’s story 43
Grapes 130, 140, 149, 152, 177, 272, 402;
in mustard 228;
Grapefruit 238
Grass, see Forage; 381 (3), 409;
Land available 368;
Hokkaido and Saghalien 368;
Bamboo 352
Gratitude 26, 141
Gravel 25
Graves, see Burial grounds; 19, 58, 72, 225, 306;
Stones 121, 144, 147, 219, 235, 267;
Gravedigger 241;
Unpopular persons 241
Great Britain xv, 328, 386
Greece 95-6, 204;
Greek Church 362
Green, J.K., 34
“Greenfield Mountain” 244
Grief 201, 273
Ground cypress 221
“Guid moral fowk” 63
Guilds 295, 317
Gumma 146, 309, 321
Gun xxv;
Guncho 51, 56, 118, 150, 175, 219,
Guns, sirens and gods, 237
Gutters 286
Gymnastics 113, 222
Gyokuro 294, 403
Habakari 375
Habits 124
Hachia 248
Hagi 213
Hair 18, 19, 143, 224, 318, 353;
Tied up 116
Hakama 16, 356
Hakumai 79
Haldane, Lord, 201
Half-civilised 141;
dressed 126
Hall, Sir D., viii, 370
Ham 406
Hamlets xxvi, 15, 16