Familiarity, 273
Family, 61, 326;
Discords, 282;
“Excesses,” 302;
Large, Appreciation of, 302, 331;
Size of, see also Limitation of, 66, 331
(2), 377;
Number in, 412;
System, 285, 328-9, 330
Famines, 118, 124, 197, 237, 413
Fans, 115, 148, 314
Farmers, see also Adjustment, Agriculture, Area per
family, Countryman,
Debt, Heroic peasant, Labour, Paddy, Peasant
Proprietors, Rice,
Tenants, Work;
Ability, 65;
Aged mother, 3;
and Adjustment, 71;
and Artisan, 189;
Attraction of towns, 180;
and Copper companies, 92, 227;
Egotist 61;
and M.P. 92;
and reading, 319;
and thieving priest, 320;
Attitude towards Science, 158;
as poets 41;
Autobiography, 8;
Bondage 331;
British, 370;
Capital, 42;
Character needed, 50;
Children clever, 233;
Clothing, 186;
Condition, 18, 173, 189, 283-4-5, 265,
304, 310 (2), 314, 322, 354,
365, 378;
Condition improved, 261;
Condition of success, 10;
Days working, 232 (3);
(hand work, heavy spade, long-handled
sickle, mattock, sickle, scythe,
weeding 385-6;)
Debts 42;
Expenditure, 62, 381-2;
Evicted by Railways, 250;
Families 412;
for and against Family system 330;
Fishermen 210;
Foreign sympathy excessive 261;
Food 378, 380-1, 389;
in sericultural districts 85;
Future 303;
Holidays, too small,
Home, 61; 281; Good humour 186;
Hours worked 278;
Idealising of 260;
Importance of Character, Education and
Influences brought to bear on 85;
Incomes too low 38;
Lowest on which can live 194;
of an M.P. and of a Minister of State
Increased expenditure 88;
Intelligence of 186;
Knowledge of financial position 186;
Laboriousness 298;
Lack of cash 251;
Large, see Hokkaido;
Limitations imposed by area, practice
and physical conditions 88,
364 et seq.;
Long hours, see Day’s working, 167;
Metayer system 207;
Meeting of skilful 24;
Middle 183, 189, 193, 378, 380;
Mixed, see Hokkaido;
Monument 251;
Morality 66;
No time to think 149, 179;
Not able 196;
Not inferior to a townsman 8;
Pilgrimages 252;
Pluck, industry and need of land 152;
Poverty 176, 183, 195;
Pressure on 148;
Profit, see Hokkaido;
Self-contained existence no longer 66;
Selling land 10;
Shall rent be paid in cash? 301;
Small decreasing, large increasing, 89;
Social precedence, 369;
Spade 362;
Stories 24-25;
Temporary prosperity 87;
Tenants’ movement, see Landlords;
Thatch for implements, 220;
“Toil never ending” 365;
Unrepresented in Parliament 285;
Why better off 85;
Why poor 65;
Wives 30;
Working days 237;
Yosogi’s story 66