Evolution, Ethical, 348
Excel, Desire to, 158
Excreta, see Manure;
375, 382, 386
Excursions, 18, 297
Exercise, 151
“Exert yourself to kill harmful insects,” 286
Exhibition, see Show;
also Bural Life Exhibition;
58, 60
Ex-officials, 22;
Ex-preacher, 220;
Ex-Public Servants’ Association,
Expansion, 360, 413-4;
Suggested abandonment of oversea possessions,
Expenditure, see Farmers
Experts, see Agricultural Experts;
27, 237, 240
Exports, 414;
Some useless, 369
Eyesight, 327
Faces, Good will do, 26
Factories, see also Tuberculosis, 282;
ante-Shaftesbury, 167;
Bathing 163;
Babies 162-3;
Better treatment, more silk, 165;
Bon, 162;
British and American conditions, 406;
Child workers, 172;
Chimneys, 151;
Compounds, 162;
164-5, 168 (2);
Contracts, 162-3, 165;
“Cost of a daughter’s food,”
Dexterity, 169;
Diet, see Parliament;
Discharged workers, 88;
Dividends and effect of, 193, 369;
Dormitories, 162, 164 (2)-5, 168 (2),
399, 407;
Education and Entertainment, 162, 164
(2)-5, 168;
Earnestness 169;
Effect of, 162-3, 181, 280, 283;
Empress, 164;
English parallels, 167-8, 170 (2);
Fair treatment of Employees practicable,
Flag system, 161, 164;
Food, 161-2-3 (2)-4, 168, 399;
Foremen, 162-3, 165;
Girls, 2, 85, 264;
Government, 172-3;
Health, 161-2-3-4 (2);
Heat, 161;
Holidays, 161, 165;
Hours (thirteen, fourteen, sixteen, eighteen),
161, 163 (2)-4-5 (3), 167;
Illness, 161-2-3-4, 168;
Immorality, 163 (2);
International Labour Office, 172;
Kemban, see Recruiters, Koefu,
Kuwata, Dr., 172;
Labour cheap, 169 (2), 173;
Labour docile, 173;
Legislation, 165, 171;
Married women, 162;
Marriages, 163;
Morale, 168;
Mottoes, 164 (3)-5;
Number of workers, 168;
Obedience, 169;
Parliament, 173 (2);
Police 166;
Pressure 161;
Priests and Missionaries, 162, 165;
Proprietors, 163 (2)-4-5, 167-8;
Recruiters, 161-2-3, 166;
Sleeping, see Dormitories;
Suwa, 165;
Switzerland, 172;
Wages 161-2, 164-5, 167-8;
Walpole’s History, 167;
Washington Conference, 173;
Western responsibility, 173;
“Worked like soldiers,” 164;
and daimyo’s castle, 176;
and farmers, 282; Silk 147, 150, 161;
Tea 403;
Visits to, 161;
Woollen, 354-5-6-7
Failures, A country’s, due to, 167
Fairies, 110
Faith, 27, 97, 148;
“Faith is the mother,” etc.,
Fame, Worldly, and good repute, 324