Peera’ra. To bore a hole,
Ehoo’ee, s.
Eh_oo_’o. A Bow,
E’fanna. A Bow-string,
To bow with the head,
Etoo’o. A young Boy,
My’didde. Boy, a familiar
way of speaking, He’aman_ee_.
The Brain of any animal,
A b_oo_ba. A Branch of a tree or plant,
Bread-fruit, or the fruit of
bread-tree, Oor_oo_.
Bread-fruit, a particular sort of it, E’patea. An insipid paste of Bread-fruit, Eh’oee. The gum of the Bread-tree, Tappo’oor_oo_. The leaf of the Bread-tree, E’da’oor_oo_. The pith of the Bread-tree, Po’oor_oo_.
To break a thing,
O whatte, s. Owhan ne,
The Breast, O’ma
A Breast-plate made of twigs,
with feathers, dog’s hair,
and pearl-shell_,
To breathe,
Watte Weete wee
Bring, to ask one to bring a thing, Ho’my. Briskness, being brisk or quick, T_ee_ t_ee_re. Broiled, or roasted, as broiled meat, Ooaw_ee_ra. Broken, or cut, ’Mot_oo_. The Brow, or forehead, E’ry. A brown colour, Aur_au_ra. Buds of a tree or plant, Te, arre ha_oo_. A Bunch of any fruit, Eta. To burn a thing, Doeod_oo_e. A Butterfly, Pepe.
To call a person at a distance, T_oo_o t_oo_’o_oo_. A Calm, Man_ee_no.
A Calm, or rather to be so placed,
that the wind has no
access to you, E_ou_, shea.
Sugar Cane, Toe, Etoeo. A Cap, or covering for the head T_au_’matta. To carry any thing, E’a’mo. To carry a person an the back, Eva’ha.
Catch a thing hastily with the
hand, Po’po_ee_, s. Peero.
as a fly, &c.