Bastinado, to bastinade or flog a person, Tapra’h_ai_.
To bathe, Ob’oo.
A Battle, or fight, E’motto.
A Battle-axe, O’morre.
To bawl, or cry aloud, T_ei_mo’toro.
A Bead, Poee.
The Beard, Oome oome.
To beat upon, or strike a thing, T_oo_’py or T_oo_’ba_ee_.
To beat a drum, Er_oo_’k_oo_.
To beckon a person with the hand, Ta’rappe.
A Bed, or bed-place, E’ro_ee_, s. Moei’a.
To bedaub, or bespatter, Par’ry.
A Bee, E’raeo.
A Beetle, P_ee_re’te_ee_.
Before, not behind, Te’moea.
A Beggar, a person that is troublesome,
asking for some-what,
Behind, not before,
To belch,
Below, as below stairs,
Tei’dirro, s. T_ee_diraro.
Below, underneath, far below,
To bend any thing, as a stick,
&c. Fa’fe’fe.
Benevolence, generosity,
e.g. you
are a generous man, Taata ho roa oee.
Between, in the middle, betwixit
two, Fero’p_oo_.
To bewail, or lament by crying,
Bigness, largeness, great,
A Bird,
A Bitch,
Oore, e’ooha.
To bite, as a dog,
A ah_oo_.
Black, colour,
Ere, ere.
Toea meeme.
A_ Blasphemer, a person who speaks
T_oo_na, (t_aa_ta.)
of their deities,
Blind, Matta-po.
A Blister, raised by a burn or
other means,
Blood, Toto, s. Eh_ooei_. To blow the nose, Fatte. The blowing, or breathing of a whale, Ta’hora. Blunt, as a blunt tool of any sort, Ma’n_ee_a. The carved Boards of a Maray, E’ra. A little Boat, or canoe, E’vaea. A Boil, Fe’fe. Boldness, Eaew_ou_. A Bone, E’ev_ee_. A Bonetto, a fish so called,