Theory of Silk Weaving eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 35 pages of information about Theory of Silk Weaving.

Theory of Silk Weaving eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 35 pages of information about Theory of Silk Weaving.

#Warping Ticket#—­ Edge, { 12/2 black. }
{ 52/2 white. }
Ground, 6056/1 black. } twice over. 
Edge, { 52/2 white. }
{ 12/2 black. }

12208 ends black, { 318 yards long.
416 " white, { = 6% shrinkage.

2/4 black for ground thread, 300 yards long.
2/4 " " whip " 360 " "
each one on a separate little roll.

[Page 85]
#Harness#—­8 shafts, 12368 heddles, 47 in
1 " 33 " 1 "
for the split edge 3 shafts, of which one has only half a heddle.

#Filling#—­Per 1 in., 80 picks, 2 ends (as described before).

#Warp Calculation#—? lbs. = 12224 ends, black (416 white).
1 end = 318 yards.
1,000 yards = 1,55 drams.
256 drams = 1 lb.
100 = 104 (4% waste).

(416)  12224x318x1.55x104
-------------------- = 24,477 lbs. org. black.
1000x256x100     =  0,833  "    "   white.

#Filling Calculation#—? lbs. = 300 yards.
1 yard = 36 inches.
1 inch = 80 picks.
1 pick = 47 inches.
36 inches = 1 yard.
1000 yards = 4,5 drams.
256 drams = 1 lb.
100 = 108 (8% waste).

---------------------- = 21,414 lbs.

* * * *

[Page 87]

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[Illustration:  Fig. 92]

[Page 88]

#Length and Width#—­One piece 60 yards long, 19 in. wide.

#Stock and Dyeing#—­Warp.—­Jap.  Organ., 1,48 drams, black, bright,
18/20 oz.
Filling.—­3 threads Jap.  Tram., 2,95 drams,
black, bright, 24/26 oz.

#Reed Calculation#—­Per 1 inch, 60 dentsx4 single ends.
" 19 " 1140 "
32 " (3% for shrinkage).
Total . . . 1172 dents.

#Drawing-in#—­1st edge, 12 dents x 4 double. 
Ground, 1148 " x 4 single.
2d edge, 12 " x 4 double.
on 12 shafts, straight through,
or on 6 shafts, as design indicates.

#Warping Ticket#—­1st edge, 48/2 black. 
Ground, 4592/1 "
2d edge, 48/2 "
Total . . . 4784 single ends 64 yards long.
=61/2% for take up.

#Harness#—­6 shafts, 4688 heddles per 191/2 inches.
1 " 40 " " 1 "

#Reduction of Filling#—­Per 1 inch, 104 picks, 2 ends.

#Warp Calculation#—? lbs. = 4784 ends.
1 end = 64 yards.
1000 yards = 1,48 drams.
256 drams = 1 lb.
100 = 104 (4% waste).

------------------ = 1,84 lbs., or 1 lb. 13,44 ozs.

[Page 89]
#Filling Calculation#—? lbs. = 60 yards.
1 yard = 36 inches.
1 inch = 104 } picks.
2 } ends.
1 pick = 191/2 inches.
36 inches = 1 yard.
1000 yards = 2,95 drams.
256 drams = 1 lb.
100 = 108 (8% waste).

--------------------------- = 3,03 lbs., or 3 lbs. 0,48 ozs.

* * * *

Project Gutenberg
Theory of Silk Weaving from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.