Certain Success eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 314 pages of information about Certain Success.

Certain Success eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 314 pages of information about Certain Success.

There are two bases of development in every one—­the inner and the outer man.  The real himself is the inner man, which psychologists call the “Ego.”  But there is something else in the make-up of every man, his body.  Each of us recognizes his body—­not as himself, not as his ego—­but as belonging to the real, or inner himself.  A man thinks and says, “my body” just as he considers and refers to anything else that is his.

The discrimination between the two parts of “You” must be understood at the very start of your self-development.  All your plans for the growth of the characteristics you need to assure your success should be based on comprehension of your duality.  The two “You’s” in yourself not only are distinctly different, but they are also very intimately related in all their functions.  Neither your “ego” nor your body is independent of the other part of your duality.  So, of course, both must co-operate fully in every process of your self-development; and your training methods should be planned for the bettered growth of your inner and outer man as a team.

[Sidenote:  Team-work Processes]

You understand now that your growth should be on a dual basis; that you have two different men to develop, not just one; and that they must be handled discriminatively, but together.

Next it is necessary that you know in exactly what ways the activities of the mind man, or ego, are related to the activities of his body, or the physical man.  Otherwise you cannot comprehend the team-work processes by which any desired qualities of manhood can be developed from their rudiments.  Perhaps the reason you have not yet succeeded fully is that you have been a “one-horse” man and have not trained your dual self to be an effective mind-and-body team pulling together.  It takes both mind and body to bring to market successfully all the “best capability” of a man.

[Sidenote:  Training Methods]

Evidently, as a pre-requisite to self-development, one should have knowledge of the particular processes that result surely in natural, easy, rapid growth.  Otherwise he would be more than likely to employ a wrong or only partly right method of training.  So as a student of yourself you need to start with comprehension of your two bases of development, mind and body.  It is necessary next that you acquire scientific knowledge of the distinct but related processes of developing your two selves severally to work together as a team.  Then you must learn the particular methods of cooeperative mental and physical training that are most effective in accomplishing the man growth you desire.

[Sidenote:  Neither Mind Nor Body A Unit]

Not only have you two selves, but neither “You” is a single unit.  Your mind, as well as your body, is made up of distinctly different but very intimately related and associated parts.  Your “mind” cannot be developed as a whole.  Its parts must be severally bettered and strengthened in coordination, just as the physical man is developed by training his various muscles.

Project Gutenberg
Certain Success from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.